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Get More Clients Blog

Client Acquisition Tips from Bill Cates

Many people never as much money as they’d like because of an unconscious belief that that’s all they are capable of earning, that’s all they deserve to earn, or similar limiting thinking.

For myself, whenever I get “stuck” at a certain income, I have to believe more is possible before I act in a way that makes that belief come true.

Because my expertise is in the area of client acquisition through referrals, I’m going to address specifically how limiting thinking and beliefs may be sabotaging your ability to create an abundant flow of high-quality clients through referrals.


When I teach people how to ask for referrals, this is the resistance I usually get:

“I don’t want to make my client feel uncomfortable by putting them on the spot.”

“I don’t want to look needy or unsuccessful.”

These are two of the many reasons why people aren’t confident asking for referrals and introductions. I get it! I totally understand.

Two important points:

1. Having the right approach will alleviate all the concerns, fears, and awkwardness.
2. Are you willing to get comfortable and confident? If not, then you can stop reading now.

It’s been awhile since I’ve run through our popular V.I.P.S. Method™ for asking for referrals. So here goes…


“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” – Muhammed Ali

Do you ever wonder if you truly make a difference in the lives of others?

Just about the only time I get choked up is I’m when watching a movie with a scene about a father and his daughter. Here’s an exception. Check out this note I received from a client recently…


Did you know that that there are some people who actually like making cold calls?

If you do a search on the internet to see if Cold Calling is dead or alive, you’ll get mixed messages. Some people teach “Cold Calling Tips” and “How to Cold Calls” and “Cold Calling Techniques.”

One guy wrote, “You could poke me in the eye with a sharp stick before I’ll make cold call.” Where do you stand on this age-old, fear-ridden prospecting strategy?


Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, is quoted as saying, “Nothing influences people more than a recommendation from a trusted friend. A trusted referral influences people more than the best broadcast message.”

So would Mr. Zuckerberg tell you stop using Facebook and other Social Media? Probably not. But here’s what he might tell you to do…

This 2-Minute Article Could Change Your Business Forever


An action trigger is something your prospect or client does or says that can trigger a referral-generating action on your part. This issue of the Referral Minute will highlight 5 things that can prompt you to promote referrals and introductions AND some very specific word tracks to help you produce results.

Of course, you have to be careful to not be obnoxious about this. You may get 4-5 action triggers in one appointment. Clearly, you don’t act on every single one.


Last week I talked about the 3 Ways the Word “Promise” Can Grow Your Business. This week, I want to illustrate how a simple promise we make to ourselves can have a profound impact on our life and our business. For this, we have to go back to January 12, 1966.

As a dedicated reader of the Batman comic book series (DC Comics), Michael was sitting in front of his television set – eagerly anticipating the first episode of ABC TV’s Batman series. But when the show began, Michael was stunned at what he saw.


Have you ever received a sales call from someone who was so inept that as they were bumbling through their poorly prepared opening, you were thinking…
1. “Why did I answer this call from a number I didn’t recognize? and / or
2. “This person either needs a new career or needs to work for someone who can train them.”

I probably get a couple of these calls a week. I got one today that compelled me to write this piece for you.

Make this part of your business-building checklist. Refer to it often, because we all fall into bad habits. Are you guilty of these mistakes that could be costing you?


“On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law…” So begins the Boy Scout “Oath” “Pledge” “Law” or “Promise” (depending on who you ask and what you read).

The word promise is a big word, because with that word comes the concept of commitment. In this article, I want to show you three places where using the word promise will help you attract more clients and grow your business.


When I deliver my live presentations (like my April Referral Champions Training Camp) I like to demonstrate the 5 places you should always consider creating a conversation about referrals and personal introductions.

While these areas are SO obvious (hence “no brainer” in the title), most professionals, advisors, and business owners miss these opportunities. What about you?


Referral Coach