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Get More Clients Blog

Client Acquisition Tips from Bill Cates

You’re doing everything right – or so you think.

You get introduced to a qualified prospect. You set a 15-minute, get-acquainted phone call. The call goes great. Prospect wants an appointment and say he’ll get back to you with a few dates that work for him.

Then, he goes “radio silent.” This “hot” prospect goes “MIA.” Turns icy cold.

How do you prevent this from happening in the future?

In this Blog, I’ll provide you with 5 strategies to prevent your hot prospects from turning cold.


A subscriber to our weekly blog asked me this question, “How do I ask for referrals without looking like that creepy referral guy?”

While I had to laugh, I do understand this concern that many people have around asking for referrals (and I should really say “Introductions”).

There are two simple strategies you can implement today. You’ll look back and wonder, “Why was I ever uncomfortable with this?”


When you look at a client’s profile, you will see people with whom they are connected.

But how good are those connections? What’s the likelihood that you’ll suggest an introduction to someone and your client will respond, “I don’t know her well enough to make an introduction to her.” I’d say 50/50 at best.

But when you narrow your focus a bit, you’ll increase your results significantly.


My entry into marketing was in 1980, when I wrote and marketed a book about airline careers by placing small ads in the back of various publications.   I learned the principles of direct-response marketing…


Superman was rendered weak and ineffective in the presence of Kryptonite.

You and I also have our versions of Kryptonite that come in the form of limiting beliefs.

My mentor as a youth, Bill Wilks, used to tell me, “Billy Cates. If you ever hit a problem or get stuck, the first place to look is at your beliefs. What do you believe to be true that may be holding you back from seeing or acting on what’s possible.”

Another term we might use here is “blind spots.” We all have them, but we don’t always know it. That’s why they call the BLIND SPOTS!

My friend Willie likes to say, “It hard to see the picture when you’re in the frame.”


Niche Marketing… Target Marketing… Vertical Marketing…

These are not a new concepts to you. BUT, are you truly leveraging the substantial power of niche marketing to find more clients to serve, more revenue to generate… and more dollars in your bank account?

While there are many benefits that you can experience by narrowing your marketing focus, most of them fit under the umbrella of these 3 big benefits…


If someone promoting their product or service asks me “What keeps you up at night?” one more time I’m going to go on a rant. Okay… too late. I’m on that rant now.

STOP asking weak “platitude questions” that don’t further the conversation, provide value, or grab your prospect’s interest.


Our brains are processing thousands of pieces of information every minute. And this, by the way, consumes a tremendous amount of energy. One way our brain attempts to minimize its energy consumption is by always asking the question, “Is this relevant? Do I need to pay attention to this? No? Great. What about this? A threat? An opportunity? And so it goes every waking minute of our lives.

I submit, therefore, that the most important ingredient in getting and keeping someone’s attention is relevance.


Brian asked me, “What does it take to turn clients who occasionally refer you, into true advocates for your business? Are Advocates just wired that way, it’s in their DNA or is there something we can do to create more Advocates.”

My answer was simple: “Yes and yes.”

Some people seem to come into this world looking for ways to provide value to others by advocating for products and services they like.

And some people are right on the edge of becoming Advocates, but haven’t stepped into that world yet. They need a little more information and they need a little nudge.


Have you ever thought about how your assistant or staff member(s) can help you generate more referrals and personal introductions?

A new feature of Exponential Growth 2017 is that we are invited participants to bring an assistant or staff member with them to the boot camp.

While a member of your staff may never ask for referrals from your clients, there are a number of things they can do to have a significant impact…


Referral Coach