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Hall of Fame

and Certified Virtual Presenter

Focus Your Messaging  |  Maximize Engagement  |  Leverage Your Relationships

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Take the risk out of hiring a speaker for your next conference! Bill will work with you to deliver dynamic keynotes, workshops and virtual presentations that are highly-customized for your group. Bill’s programs are designed to inspire action (while having a little fun along the way!)

Bill’s the type of speaker who prefers to talk with his audience instead of at them. Therefore, you can expect an interactive and engaging session filled with practical strategies that will have an immediate impact on your business.

  • “Bill gave us the perfect blend of content, humor and motivation. I watched our members go from taking notes, to nodding, to laughing.”

    Bonnie Godsman
    Bonnie Godsman
    CEO, GAMA International
  • “The feedback from Radical Relevance in all 4 cities is overwhelmingly positive. This was a wakeup call for our members. We’re already getting reports of specific results.”

    Adam McCann
    Adam McCann
    MDRT Australia
  • “The best decision we’ve ever made for our Life Leaders Conference. Bill Cates absolutely nailed it.”

    Craig Parr
    Craig Parr
    VP of Sale, Illinois Mutual

How Bill Approaches His Presentations

  • BEFORE:  Bill uses a variety of tools and resources to build engagement leading into the session.
  • DURING:  Bill’s programs are high-energy and high-content … wrapped in a little bit of humor and fun! Every session is precisely tailored and radically relevant to the client’s culture and needs.
  • AFTER:  Bill provides a number of reinforcement tools designed to keep the session’s message alive, and turn what was learned into action that produces results.

Bestselling Author, Successful Business Owner & Relationship Marketing Expert

Bill Cates, CSP, CPAE is the author of the bestselling books Don’t Keep Me a Secret, Get More Referrals Now, Beyond Referrals, Radical Relevance, and his popular new release – The Language of Referrals.

Bill has also been featured in many publications and programs, including Wall Street Journal, ABC Business Report, and more.

By delivering simple and easy-to-implement strategies, Bill makes sure his audiences walk away feeling empowered to make an immediate impact on their business. Many even describe experiencing a “paradigm shift” after hearing Bill speak.

Leaders & meeting planners consistently report that Bill Cates “exceeds expectations.” Not only is he easy to work with and well-prepared, Bill also provides post-session reinforcement resources to help ensure that his sessions produce real results.

Popular Keynote Topics

Typically 45 – 90 minutes in length, Bill’s sessions are always customized to the unique needs and goals of his audience. Keynotes can also be coupled with a breakout session / workshop to take a deeper dive into particular topics and strategies.

For more detailed descriptions of Bill’s Keynotes and Breakouts/Workshops, download our speaking packet.

Radical Relevance

Radical Relevance
Sharpen Your Value Proposition | Cut Through the Noise | Win More Ideal Clients

Your prospects and clients are bombarded with messages from all directions.

You must hit the bullseye in their brain with messaging that is radically relevant to grab their attention and critically compelling to move them to take meaningful action.


  • How to message your value to only attract your Right-Fit Clients™.
  • A way to communicate your differentiation that matters to your prospects.
  • 3 critical elements of a compelling value proposition that move people to take action.

How you perceive, believe in, and communicate your value is fundamental to your success. Be relevant or be ignored!

multiply your best clients

Multiply Your Best Clients for Exponential Growth
Enhance Client Engagement | Leverage Your Value | Secure Solid Introductions

Client satisfaction and loyalty are critical to the stability of your business. But it’s client leverage that turns incremental growth into exponential growth.


  • How to enhance client engagement to become super referable.
  • 5 ways to promote introductions to receive them without asking.
  • How to ask for and secure introductions to ideal clients without pushing or begging.

Follow the road map that Bill provides and you’ll be on your way to accelerating the growth of your business by meeting your prospects how they want to meet you – an introduction from someone they already trust.

Go from Incremental Growth to Exponential Growth!

The Language of Referrals
Precisely What to Say to Multiply Your Best Clients with Personal Introductions

Generating more referrals and personal introductions is not rocket science; it’s all about having a proven process and the confidence to use that process consistently.

This session will provide you with an exact blueprint to leverage your great client relationships that will turn your incremental growth into exponential growth.


  • Precisely what to do and say to become super referable.
  • 5 ways to promote introductions and jumpstart unsolicited referrals.
  • The words that work when asking for introductions (without pushing or begging!).
  • What to say to get referred up to higher-level clients.
  • Precisely what to say to turn referrals into solid introductions, so prospects are eager to hear from you and, sometimes, motivated to call you.

The words and sample conversations provided are designed for you to adapt them to your personality and business model. You will remain true to your own style.

Client Multiplication = Exponential Growth Over the Lifetime of Your Career

Are You Playing To Win

Are You Playing to Win?
Close the Gap between Where You Are and Where You’d Like to Be

Successful people do what the less successful are unwilling to do. Success in every endeavor, therefore, boils down to confidence. In the absence of confidence is doubt, fear, and inaction.


  • A surefire method to discover your blind spots, limiting beliefs, and mistaken assumptions that sabotage you reaching your full potential.
  • How to create an action plan that you’ll actually follow.
  • How to enroll others in helping you achieve your goals.

If you limit yourself to what’s comfortable, you deny yourself what’s possible. Remove the Limiting Beliefs that Put a Ceiling on Your Growth!

Popular Workshop Topics


Typically running 1 to 3 hours in length, our workshops and breakout sessions are always customized to your audience. They can be designed to reinforce a keynote session, or serve as a standalone training on a topic of your choice.

  • “Communicate Your Value to Win More Ideal Clients”
  • “Become Super Referable to Get Unsolicited Referrals”
  • “Ask for Referrals & Introductions without Pushing or Begging”
  • “Turn Referrals into Introductions and Appointments that Stick”
  • “Create Productive Relationships with Centers of Influence”
  • “Expand Your Results in a Target Market with a Bullseye”
  • “Build a Sales & Marketing Funnel that Keeps Feeding You Clients”
  • “Maximize Social Event Marketing to Meet High-Level Prospects”
  • “Presentation Skills for Seminars and Other Marketing Events”

For more detailed descriptions of Bill’s Keynotes & Workshops,
click below to download our speaking packet.
Download Speaking Packet Contact Bill

See Bill in Action

Clients Rave

“Bill Cates was one of our best decisions ever. His keynote was amazing, and he was so well prepared.”

“Our entire sales team was totally engaged. It was a very fun, stimulating session with a ton of takeaways.”

“Bill was one of the best motivational speakers we’ve hired, by far. Our agents walked away feeling like they experienced a paradigm shift.”

Start a Conversation with Bill

Bill Cates

Referral Coach