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Multiply Your Best Clients

Discover a Proven Process to Attract More Right-Fit Clients.

The Cates Academy for Relationship Marketing™ is Bill Cates’ comprehensive online video-training program that will help you generate significantly more income in less time by leveraging the power of referrals, personal introductions and communicating compelling value. Work smarter, not harder!
Get Started Watch Video ►


“After going through The Cates Academy, my business grew 60% over the previous year. I’m now spending less time chasing after prospects who don’t want to hear from me, and more time doing the work I love to do.”

Mike Barratt, Financial Advisor | Des Moines, IA

Build a Perpetual Flow of Right-Fit Clients by
Mastering these 3 Core Strategies:


Your prospects are bombarded with marketing messages, making it nearly impossible to grab their attention.

If you’re not Radically Relevant, you’ll be ignored.

In Video Course #1, you will learn how to sharpen your value proposition to cut through the noise – to reach and convert more high-level clients.

Research actually shows a low correlation between client satisfaction/loyalty and giving referrals. It’s engaged clients who provide referrals.

Video Course #2 will show you how to get referrals without asking by maximizing engagement throughout the 3 phases of the client journey, including 1. the Prospect Experience,  2. the New Client Experience, and 3. the Client Experience.

Go from incremental growth to exponential growth. You can be proactive without pushing or begging.

Video Courses #3 and #4 will show you a proven and pressure-less process for promoting and asking clients for introductions.

No more “creepy referral guy” methods, just effective introductions to ideal clients.

Clients Rave

“When COVID hit, Bill’s referral process literally saved us. We went from 30% to 50% of our business coming from referrals, and we were still able to meet our revenue and sales numbers.”

Jason L. Smith & Bryan Bibbo
J.L. Smith Group Tax & Wealth Advisors (Avon, OH)

“When I first started in the industry, I felt like I was banging my head against the wall. Bill’s system opened the floodgates. Over the course of 3 months, I actually TRIPLED my business!”

James Mwombela
Financial Advisor (Durham, NC)

“As a result of Bill’s coaching, I have brought in $12.7 million in new assets. That’s $127,000 of recurring annual income due to using Bill’s techniques. Now that’s results!”

Erin Willis
Founder & CEO, Legacy Financial (Annapolis, MD)

Your Cates Academy™ Membership includes a
Full year of 24/7 access to:

COURSE #1: How to Communicate Your Value More Effectively

(5 Video Lessons – Approximately 6-10 mins. each)

Communicating relevant & compelling value to prospects, clients, and COI’s is critical to success. This course gives you a road map designed to help you attract more IDEAL clients.

COURSE #2: How to Become Super-Referable

(6 Video Lessons – 5-12 mins. each)

Promoting and asking for referrals will be a waste of time if you’re not referable. In this course, you will learn how to become “Super-Referable” and generate unsolicited referrals by maximizing engagement throughout 3 phases of the Client Journey: the Prospect Experience, the New Client Experience, and the Ongoing Client Experience.

COURSE #3: How to Be Appropriately Proactive

(6 Video Lessons – Approximately 10 min. each)

There are two ways to stimulate referrals without being pushy or seeming needy: promoting and asking. In this course, you will learn ways to be proactive without running any risk of hurting the relationship.

COURSE #4: How to Secure Solid Introductions 

(5 Video Lessons – Approximately 10 min. each)

Referrals are almost worthless if you don’t get connected to your new prospect. In this course, you will learn how to turn your prospects’ and clients’ willingness to refer into effective introductions that lead to appointments.

BONUS COURSE: Social Event Marketing

(2 Video Lessons – Approximately 6 mins. each)

In this course, you will learn fun and effective strategies for meeting high-level prospects through social events.

+ Built-in Reinforcement Resources

Role Play Demonstrations: Practice Builds Skills and Confidence

(11 Video-Based Scenarios – 30 secs to 3.5 mins each)

Bill Cates demonstrates how to promote referrals, ask for referrals, deal confidently and effectively with concerns and objections, and turn willingness to refer into high-quality introductions.

Bill’s “Referral Repair Shop”: Turn Breakdowns into Breakthroughs!

(12 “Quick-Fix” Videos and Growing – 2-3 minutes each)

If you ever find yourself losing focus and getting off track, these mini-lessons will give you the “jump-start” you need. Bill starts with a bit of preventative maintenance, and then provides the repair strategy to get back on the road to more Right-Fit Clients.

“After learning Bill Cates’ system, I doubled my income that same year. The following year I grew by another 40%. Cates’ system works. I highly recommend learning everything you can from Bill Cates.'”

Aquiles Larra

“Since we started working with Bill, we’ve gotten more referrals in the last 3-6 months than we did in 3-5 years before. Bill makes asking for referrals as natural as taking a breath.”

Charlie Epstein
President, Epstein Financial Services (Springfield, MA)

“Bill Cates’ process has been amazing. The key has been the confidence I’ve gained. On my very first appointment after going through your program I obtained 2 solid introductions, both of whom converted into new clients.”

Zoe Bonet
(Houston, TX)

Are you ready to grow your business … and change your life?

Your 1-year membership includes 24/7 unlimited access to:

  • 4 Core Video Courses with a total of 23 High-Content Lessons 
  • 1 BONUS Video Course on “Social Event Marketing”
  • Built-in Video Reinforcement (Role play demos + Bill’s Referral Repair Shop)
  • Unlimited 1:1 Online Coaching from Bill Cates by using the “Talk to Bill” feature. You may be learning by yourself, but you won’t be alone!
  • 60 Day Action Plan (Your simple roadmap through all the courses to maximize learning & results)
  • Scripts, Scripts … and More Scripts! (membership includes Bill’s popular Referral Scripts Book and more)
  • Results-Maximizing Resources (Practice templates, special reports, wordtracks, checklists & assessments

*** All resources are available by logging into your library via desktop, mobile browser or the Kajabi mobile app (available in the Apple App Store & Google Play)


Rapid Fire Referrals: “The Habit Maker!” ($299 value)

  • A brief (but brilliant!) video lesson emailed each week for 1 year
  • Download the audio to listen anytime or anywhere
  • Print the transcript to capture the helpful word tracks
  • Establish the habits necessary to produce tangible results

What Are You Waiting For? Let’s Get Started!

Click below to purchase your 1-year membership in The Cates Academy or schedule a complimentary strategy call with Bill.
ENROLL NOW ($995) Schedule a Call with Bill

You WILL See Results … We Guarantee It!

We are certain you will find great value in the focus, coaching, teaching, support, accountability and results delivered by The Cates Academy for Relationship Marketing. However, if at any time you are not satisfied with the program, we will refund 100% of your money.

What is the value of acquiring even just one new perfect-fit client for your business? Now, ask yourself this: What do you have to lose?

“Just yesterday, I used Bill’s V.I.P.S. Method and it generated over 5 referrals inside one family alone. Fast, easy business. I’m helping these people, and I’m gaining business I wouldn’t have gotten without this process.”

Garret Williams
(Ft. Wayne, IN)

“Because of Cates’ system, I qualified for our Leaders Club my very first year (which was only 6 months long) and every year since. The biggest complaint amongst advisors is that they don’t have enough people to call, which I believe is their own fault. I can honestly say I probably would not have made it had I not been introduced to Bill’s program.”

Gary Yaglenski
(Perkasie, PA)

“I have been in business for 24 years and was never comfortable asking for the dreaded word: referrals. I am using Bill’s word crafting and it WORKS! I am having so much fun now.”

Robin Wollfe
(Miami, FL)

Questions? Start a Conversation with Bill.

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Referral Coach