Get More Clients Blog
Client Acquisition Tips from Bill Cates
Getting introductions from Centers of Influence is one of the critical topics we cover in our Spring Referral Champions Training Camp. My definition of a Center of Influence is someone who may never become a client, but introduces you to qualified prospects.
Just as baseball players have reported to Spring Training – financial professionals will be reporting for our spring referral training at our April Training Camp.
Here are the 4 Bases you want to cover as you endeavor to maximize your introductions from Centers of Influence.
READ MORE >“Getting referrals is a notorious challenge for many entrepreneurs. Even those who do generate word-of-mouth business often don’t really understand why those referrals come their way — or how to go about getting more of them in a systematic, strategic manner.
“Cates has spent two decades building, honing and perfecting a system for generating new business from existing clients — a system that has led to amazing results for thousands of businesses both large and small.
“Here are three key moves that you can make right now that will boost your referrals — and could even ensure that you never have to market yourself again.”
READ MORE >Word of mouth is great, but most businesses can’t count on that for the growth they desire.
And referrals are worthless! You heard me right. Referrals are worthless… unless you turn them into introductions. If you never get connected to the new prospect, it’s unlikely they’ll return your call or respond to your email.
This is where the client acquisition process often breaks down for many – actually getting connected to their new prospect.
READ MORE >Here’s a great piece from Julie LIttlechild with Absolute Engagement. Totally reinforces what I’ve been teaching for over 20 years.
READ MORE >“Hiding behind technology? What does Bill mean by that?” Email, texting, and LinkedIn are great tools to assist us in gaining introductions. I love those electronic handshakes, don’t you?
BUT as good as these tools can be in turning someone’s willingness to refer into an actionable introduction, I keep seeing so many professionals using these tools in ways that reduce their effectiveness.
I wonder. Are you making these same mistakes?
READ MORE >What would it mean for your business if you could turn networking from something you hate to do into something you love to do – and you get really good at?
It would mean you’d be meeting more new prospects and centers of influence for your business. If you need to see more people to grow your business, then Networking Champions could be your solution.
Check out this guest article by Steve Perlman, LUTCF.
READ MORE >I think you’re going to like this article I just read on Horsesmouth. Using the research and writings of Robert Cialdini, Dan Richards shows how the use of just one word might make a huge difference in how you qualify prospects and increase your ability to set appointments and covert prospects into new clients. Follow this link to the entire article:
READ MORE >Have you noticed that some of your clients (especially the younger ones and physicians/surgeons) introduce you to their friends and colleagues by sending them a text message?
There are 2 specific steps you want to take to make sure you create a solid connection with this new prospect – so they take your call and, ultimately, schedule an appointment.
READ MORE >You may be great at the work you do and you may have great relationships with most of your clients. And you may be making two critical mistakes that are keeping your clients from introducing you to others.
Mistake #1 – See how busy I am.
Mistake #2 – See how successful I am.
READ MORE >The Principle: When you can have fun with the referral/introductions process, everything gets easier. You feel more comfortable AND your clients feel more comfortable! More importantly – you produce significant results.
The Action: I just spoke to a group of 100 Group Benefit Advisors. After my presentation, Eric Silverman told me about a best practice that is working for his firm. This simple idea puts a smile on the face of his clients and generates referrals and introductions.