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Category: Get More Clients

When you look at a client’s profile, you will see people with whom they are connected.

But how good are those connections? What’s the likelihood that you’ll suggest an introduction to someone and your client will respond, “I don’t know her well enough to make an introduction to her.” I’d say 50/50 at best.

But when you narrow your focus a bit, you’ll increase your results significantly.


I was reading some sales tips the other day and the author said “Selling services is selling an intangible. You can’t put it in their hands to hold or they can’t take it for a test drive.” Or can they? (Keep reading.)

While I agree that selling a service promise can often be more challenging than selling a product, there are a number of things you can do to make your service promise more tangible to your prospective clients.

Learn the power of using visual representations of your service model and providing prospects a “test drive.”


According to the IRS, roughly 39% of the wealthiest investors — those with assets of at least $625,000 — are women. In the affluent women’s market, there are over one million women with a net worth of at least $1 million. Females make over 80% of buying decisions. It’s no wonder that many financial professional aspire to capture their share of the growing affluent women’s market. If you hope to attract and retain more affluent women as clients, you better have a plan…

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