4 Ways to Add Some Humor to the Client Acquisition Process

The most important part of connecting with prospects is the “human connection.” Humor connects people. Humor opens the heart.
I’ve found that adding humor can break down barriers and create easier and deeper conversations. So, today, let’s discuss how to inject a little humor into the client acquisition process.
4 Ways Adding Humor Can Create New Clients
1. Asking for Referrals/Introductions
I have to start with referrals and introductions – right? Having fun with your request for introductions will put everyone at ease for the rest of the conversation. For example:
- Art is an insurance specialist (with a playful sense of humor) in Baltimore who says to his clients, “I’m looking for about 100 people.” His clients laugh. He says, “Too many? … How about 3-4?”
- Doug is a financial advisor in the Midwest. Doug says, “We’re just brainstorming here. First of all, do you know any lottery winners?” His clients laugh. Then he brings up a few, more serious, options.
2. Getting Introduced
The more you learn about your new prospect, the more opportunities you have for discovering places to use humor.
Do a bit of probing: “Tell me more about George.” “Tell me something you like or admire about George.” “Give me some insight into George’s personality.” “Do you guys have any running points of humor?”
3. Calling Prospects – Dealing with FROs (Frequently Recurring Objections)
Many, many, many years ago, I sold printing services. I’d cold call a print buyer (back then, people actually answered their phones) and say, “I know you get a lot of calls from printing companies. I’m curious… am I the first or the tenth today?” They would laugh and give me some time for a meaningful conversation.
4. Courting a Prospect – Going for “No”
Sometimes we have an interested prospect who stop responding to our efforts to keep the conversation going. Going for the “no” is a viable strategy to find out if you should keep pursuing this prospect or move on.
I’ve had great success being playful in these situations. I’ll send a multiple choice email designed to create a smile and get a response – one way or the other.
For example, some of the choices I use are:
___ I was marooned on a deserted island and was rescued three days ago. Please give me a few days to get back on the rhythm and reach out to me again.
___ I was rearranging my sock drawer and just couldn’t get it right. I’m back at work and very interested in speaking with you again.
___ You’ve been very professional in staying in touch with me. I just don’t think this is a match and don’t want you to waste your time.
___ I’m still very interested; sorry for my lack of response. Please send some time slots that work for you for our next call.
If using humor in your communication with prospects and clients isn’t genuine for you, then you should probably shy away. On the other hand, adding humor can break down barriers and create easier and deeper conversations.
How do you use humor with prospects and clients? (I really want to know!)
What works for you? Or what questions to you have? I’d love to hear from you. Please leave your comment below. We can all learn from each other. Thanks!
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