Author: Bill Cates
On March 28, I’ll be hosting our next webinar on how to ask for referrals without pushing or begging. And as you might imagine, timing is everything. The when to ask for referrals is a critical piece of the puzzle.
Some people ask for referrals (introductions) much too soon in their new relationships. While others wait entirely too long to ask – if they ever ask at all. Just like Goldilocks wanted the chair, the soup, and the bed “just right” you want your timing to be just right.
There are three things to keep in mind re: the timing of when to ask…
STOP asking too soon and STOP waiting too long. Make your timing JUST RIGHT!
READ MORE >At my live presentations, every time I make a blanket statement about the right or wrong way to do something, someone comes up after my talk and say, “You said not to ______. I’ve been doing that for 15 years and it still works.”
My response is simple, “Then keep doing it. If it’s legal, ethical, moral, and everyone wins, then keep on keeping on.” I mean, who am I to stop someone who is getting the results they want.
With that said, I feel pretty strongly about these to mistakes that I see people make all the time.
You’ll have to click over to the blog to get the skinny, but here’s the gist:
Mistake #1 – Making Referrals All about You
Mistake #2 – Being Way Too General with Your Request
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You’ve heard of Zombie Apocalypse? How about Prospect Apocalypse? This is when you have an interested prospect that becomes increasingly unresponsive. You’re not sure what to do next and eventually you feel like you’re trying to resurrect the dead.
You’ve heard the expression, “Timing is everything!” Sometimes that’s true. And without some basic processes and tools in place, your process will slowly lose momentum and way too many great prospects to fall slip through your fingers. [Or ‘fall through the cracks’ or some other zombie reference without over doing it.]
So assuming your incredibly relevant and compelling value proposition didn’t create an instant desire to work with you, this article contains a list of 10 powerful ideas you can employ to increase your chances of being in the right place at the right time and turning an interested prospect into a new client.
READ MORE >POP QUIZ! Fill in the blanks right now!
The Sun, the Moon and the _______.
The 3 little _______. Goldilocks and the 3 ______.
Everywhere you look throughout history there’s been power in 3’s; in the triad.
I ran into a financial professional the other day who told me that he has fun with his request for referrals by invoking the power of three.
Personally, I think what he does is one of those both simple and brilliant.
Keep reading to get the sample script and insight into this powerful dynamic…
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If you are not getting an acceptable level of people opening or responding to your emails, then your messaging isn’t relevant enough, compelling enough, or both.
What does it take to get someone to open an email and then take further action?
In this Blog Post I’ll expand on these 4 critical strategies to get your prospects and clients to open your emails and take the action you want them to take:
1. You’re making a series of small sales.
2. Every component part of your email must be micro relevant.
3. To create action, you must be compelling.
4. Tell them what you want them to do.
How productive are your centers of influence – your non clients who have the ability to provide you with strong introductions to qualified prospects?
Are you getting the quantity and quality of effective introductions that you’d like?
Getting referrals and introductions from non-clients (centers of influence or referral partners) is not always as easy as we’d like it to be.
There are 7 logical steps that if done well, will help you create multiple centers of influence providing you with solid introductions to just the right prospects.
Results are a few simple steps and quality action away. (+ Bonus Video Included)
READ MORE >I bet that you think 1 + 1 = 2. Not every time! I’m going to show you how bringing two powerful strategies together will produce three important benefits for you:
1. Converting More Prospects into Clients
2. Higher Client Satisfaction and Loyalty
3. More Referrals and Personal Introductions (sometimes without asking
Without question, the #1 Most Important Strategy I’ve been using and teaching for 25 years is The Value Discussion. The Value Discussion helps you increase prospect and client engagement. It often generates referrals on the spot and it’s the starting point of a referral conversation – at the appropriate time.
The #2 Most Important Strategy I’ve been using and teaching for 25 years is “foreshadowing.” Foreshadowing a conversation you intend to have later makes it easier and more effective when the time comes.
How Does 1 + 1 = 3? Keep reading. I’ll show you how.
READ MORE >Dealing effectively with objections or concerns can be hazardous to your sales efforts. Stay with me for a minute… How do YOU usually react when you state an opinion about something and someone immediately…
READ MORE >In last weeks’ blog, I announced that I’m writing a new book. (Gulp!) One of the working titles is The Ultimate Value Proposition. While this may not end up being the final title of the book, it certainly will be the main thrust.
Being different or unique can help you grab the attention of some prospects. But “what makes you different” is NOT what makes you compelling – moving a prospect to take action. Being unique or different is NOT what will win you a new client.
Expanding on what I started last week, below are the 5 elements of a value proposition designed to win new business. This is by no means an exhaustive list, I think you’ll see that these elements are all interrelated and important.
READ MORE >Marketing experts are always talking about how we must have a Unique Value Proposition, or Unique Selling Proposition, look different in the marketplace, or accentuate what makes us distinct.
Indeed… sometimes we need to define and accentuate our differentiation to catch the attention of our prospects and others who are important to our business.
But differentiation, distinction or uniqueness isn’t the end game.
The end game is moving someone to take action… to respond to our email or voice mail… to grant us an appointment (phone or in person)… to do business with us… and to follow our recommendations.
Every part of your value proposition should be built for two purposes – that continually work together…