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I have a colleague who told me that he never pays attention to his competition. He doesn’t care what they do. He just focuses on his business. On the other hand, knowing your competition can certainly be useful.

Here are three views on talking about your competitors for you to consider and apply to your business. You’ll see that they are not mutually exclusive; but can (and should) be blended together for maximum effectiveness.


Don’t you just hate it when a prospect, seemingly very interested in the work you do, suddenly stops returning your calls and e-mails without an explanation as to why? Regardless of the reason why they “froze” in the first place, here are 5 things you can do to thaw out these cold prospects.


Getting a consistent flow of referrals and introductions from advocates is not just about asking for them. It’s about creating a culture of referrals and introductions. Here are 5 simple things you can do to enhance that referral culture in your office – that will help you receive more unsolicited referrals and introductions to Right-Fit Clients™.


Tis’ the season of giving! Although it’s important to show your appreciation year-round, sending reasonably-priced gifts during the holidays can go a long way in keeping you engaged with your clients and centers of influence, while continuing to…


In a sea of sameness, video can help you stand out and connect in ways other mediums just can’t accomplish.

Words on a website page (or LinkedIn Profile) can only go so far in helping your prospects and clients connect with you; want to do business with you.

Real photos of you and your team working with real clients is SO MUCH better than using a bunch of clip art images that your visitors have already seen in other places.

But nothing engages the senses and draws people in like video… good video.

If you’re thinking, “But I have a face for radio and I stiffen up in front of a camera,” keep reading.


3 weeks ago, I was conducting a full-day session and mentioned a recent study that demonstrated that many clients don’t like to be asked for “referrals” but actually enjoy making “introductions.”

About an hour later, I was talking about becoming more “referable” so as to obtain more referrals without asking. A gentleman in the front row politely asked, “Don’t you mean introducable?”

It appears I’m going to have to get a “Referral Swear Jar.” I can see it now. During my speeches and workshops, each time I say “referrals” I’ll have to put a quarter in the jar.


Have you ever thought about how your assistant or staff member(s) can help you generate more referrals and personal introductions?

A new feature of Exponential Growth 2017 is that we are invited participants to bring an assistant or staff member with them to the boot camp.

While a member of your staff may never ask for referrals from your clients, there are a number of things they can do to have a significant impact…


If there is one book responsible for creating more millionaires than any other, my guess it would have to be Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

One of the many concepts Hill covers is the power of the Mastermind. He said, “When two people get together to brainstorm solutions to problems, it creates a third mind.” This third mind can create ideas that wouldn’t happen with an individual on his/her own.

Many people call this a “study group.” Regardless of what you call it, do you have one? And is it bringing you the results you set out to achieve?

I’ve been using the power of the Mastermind for over 20 years. Here are a few ideas hope you’ll find useful.


Your client relationships can be broken down into three stages.

Stage II of your client relationships is the “New Client Experience” or “Onboarding Process.”

You can deliver a Welcome Package and/or drip a few items over the first week or two. Either will help you create a “Wow” experience that helps you engage with your new clients on both a “personal level” and “value added level.”

Here are 7 ways I’ve seen a number of businesses use to create great first impressions and even generate referrals without asking for them.


If I ran into a good prospect for you and your business, how would I know it and how would you like me to introduce them to you?

That phrase summarizes the topic for this week’s blog post. Last week I provided a checklist of things you can do to create more productive referral relationships.

Let’s drill down a little deeper, shall we?

We don’t want Word of Mouth! We don’t want weak Referrals! We DO want Connections or Introductions! We want prospective clients waiting and wanting to hear from us. We want prospects who are a perfect fit for our business, ready to do business with us.

Wow! Wouldn’t that be nice? So how do we do that?

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Referral Coach