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Below is an email from a fairly new advisor who went through our training program to generate more introductions and communicate his value more effectively. You’ll quickly see that while this advisor is doing a…


I have discovered three words that have made a huge difference for me in ALL aspects of my life. These three words can help you with any objection, from anyone, about anything. With one caveat,…


If you want to attract more Right-Fit Clients™ you need to deliver remarkable value. Value that gets your clients talking about you to others. Value that is worthy of remark. When I interview top producing…


In my book Radical Relevance, I lay out The 17 Rules of Radical Relevance. I will be recording short videos for each one of these rules. They will be quick and easy for you to…


Life is too short to not be a bit playful a good deal of the time. I know that that’s not true for everyone, but it generally works for me.

So, today, let’s discuss ways to inject a little humor into the client acquisition process. Here are 4 areas where you can have some FUN with prospects & clients.


Superman was rendered weak and ineffective in the presence of Kryptonite.

You and I also have our versions of Kryptonite that come in the form of limiting beliefs.

My mentor as a youth, Bill Wilks, used to tell me, “Billy Cates. If you ever hit a problem or get stuck, the first place to look is at your beliefs. What do you believe to be true that may be holding you back from seeing or acting on what’s possible.”

Another term we might use here is “blind spots.” We all have them, but we don’t always know it. That’s why they call the BLIND SPOTS!

My friend Willie likes to say, “It hard to see the picture when you’re in the frame.”


At my live presentations, every time I make a blanket statement about the right or wrong way to do something, someone comes up after my talk and say, “You said not to ______. I’ve been doing that for 15 years and it still works.”

My response is simple, “Then keep doing it. If it’s legal, ethical, moral, and everyone wins, then keep on keeping on.” I mean, who am I to stop someone who is getting the results they want.

With that said, I feel pretty strongly about these to mistakes that I see people make all the time.

You’ll have to click over to the blog to get the skinny, but here’s the gist:

Mistake #1 – Making Referrals All about You

Mistake #2 – Being Way Too General with Your Request


The easier you can make it for people to introduce others to you, the more likely they’ll do it. Here is an easy 3-step digital strategy that you can set up to help make it very easy for your clients, centers of influence, and other advocates to provide you with quality introductions.


I have an important question to ask you! If a prospect is not right for your business, are you right for them? Probably not. Yet do you ever take on clients who aren’t a good fit for you? Probably so. But why? Often, the answer is because your client took the initiative to refer a friend to you, and you felt obligated to take them on.


Is necessary to create a Unique Value Proposition? Not necessarily. Many writers and experts claim, “You must be unique to stand out in a crowded marketplace!” I know plenty of wildly successful businesses and professionals who would struggle to define what is unique about their offering.

The truth is, your prospects don’t necessarily care “what makes you different.” They really want to know “Why are you right for me?”

How you talk about your value is fundamental to your success. It’s not a bad thing to create differentiation between you and others who do what you do. But more important than a Unique Selling Proposition is a Compelling Value Proposition; a value proposition that creates movement… that turns prospects into clients/customers.

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Referral Coach