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You’ve probably heard the reports. “They” are saying, “You can’t ask for referrals” or “Stop asking for referrals.”

Allow me to quote my high school basketball coach, “Horse Manure Cates!”

Now… I do agree that we should think in terms of introductions and not simply referrals.

But that’s now what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the people who keep reporting Fake Referral News like…

FAKE REFERRAL NEWS #1: “Asking for referrals doesn’t work.”

FAKE REFERRAL NEWS #2: “Your clients aren’t thinking about helping you.”

Why is this fake referral news and what should you be doing about it?


I just discovered the easiest, most comfortable, and most effective way to ask for referrals. Fasten your seatbelt… this could be a game changer for you! You’ve heard me talk about sharing your Why with…


The 4 most prevalent mistakes I see in asking for referrals are:

1. Thinking you’re more referable than you really are.

2. Merely promoting referrals – not really asking for specific introductions to specific people or brainstorming various categories.

3. Not creating an environment of “brainstorming” or “exploration” – no pressure and no right or wrong suggestions.

4. Not coming prepared to suggest specific people or categories.

Check out the situation presented to me by one of our readers. Check out my answer. Then tell me what you would do. (Seriously – I’d love your comments.)


What’s that definition of insanity again? Oh… right! “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”

One form of referral insanity is using outdated methods. Managers and trainers often teach what worked for them, but only produce mediocre results in this new world where we need to blend the analogue side of referrals with the digital side.

There are 5 insanely common and easy to make mistakes that so many people are making in their efforts to boost referrals and introductions.

PLEASE tell me you’re not making these mistakes!


Are you wondering what a guy taking an axe to his beard has to do with growing your business with referrals and introductions?

You have to hear this quick, fun story about how a financial rep generated the most referral activity he ever had in a 45-day period AND had a ton of fun doing it.

More importantly, his clients had fun with the entire process and he’s still getting residual referrals and introductions without even asking.


“When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported back, the rate of improvement accelerates or has dramatic improvement”. This is often referred to as Karl Pearson’s Law. The question is: can Karl help you get more referrals? Maybe not. But stick with me, because I can!

The above statement was sent to me by a recent graduate of our Referral Champions Training Camp. Mark is creating significant results using our process. Most of the credit goes to him, as he is using this principle to drive his actions and results.

Please allow me to show you 7 actions you can measure that will produce results…


When I teach people how to ask for referrals, this is the resistance I usually get:

“I don’t want to make my client feel uncomfortable by putting them on the spot.”

“I don’t want to look needy or unsuccessful.”

These are two of the many reasons why people aren’t confident asking for referrals and introductions. I get it! I totally understand.

Two important points:

1. Having the right approach will alleviate all the concerns, fears, and awkwardness.
2. Are you willing to get comfortable and confident? If not, then you can stop reading now.

It’s been awhile since I’ve run through our popular V.I.P.S. Method™ for asking for referrals. So here goes…


Growth is vital to any business, but if you want exponential growth to skyrocket your revenue referrals are key. So how do you get those referrals from your clients? Is it with high net promoter scores, by simply asking or is it something else?

Our guest today has the answers. Bill Cates is the CEO and creator of Referral Coach and he’s known as the expert on referrals! On this episode we’ll talk about the myth of customer loyalty, the biggest mistakes he sees companies make when asking for referrals and his formula for generating for personal introductions.


While it’s difficult to generalize about what prospects consider when deciding to work with you, there is a common denominator in every decision. Your prospects are consciously or unconsciously asking themselves, “Is he/she right for me?” 


I just listened to a podcast where the two hosts debated the merits of prospecting versus marketing, and which was most relevant for financial professionals? They each took a side and argued accordingly. Knowing I…

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Referral Coach