5 Resolutions You Can’t Afford to Break in 2019

I know of at least two things you and I have in common. We’d both like 2019 to be our best year ever in business. Right?
So here are 5 resolutions you and I need to make that we simply can’t break. Some of these may be reminders, and others may be a stretch. But all require action. As Yoda said to Luke Skywalker, “There is no try, only do!”
5 Unbreakable Resolutions for 2019
#1 – Conduct Value Discussions
Of all the strategies I’ve been teaching for 25 years, the Value Discussion is the most powerful in producing results. By creating a culture of checking in with your prospects and clients, you will discover issues that need cleaning up, help your clients get clear on how you’ve been of value to them, and start to receive more unsolicited referrals.
To learn more, check out this past blog on the topic: https://referralcoach.com/client-loyalty-strategies/
#2 – See More People
You and I are in a relationship business AND a numbers business. The more relationships we form, the more opportunity we create.
BUT… do you hate to go to networking events as much as I do? Follow these 10 ideas and you’ll be more productive and have more fun at networking events: https://referralcoach.com/tips-for-networking-event-haters/
#3 – Have an Onboarding Process that’s Second to None
Once a prospect becomes a client, welcome them into your “family” with an onboarding process that makes them go, “Wow!” Bring a ton of value and make a great personal connection.
Here are 7 ways to use onboarding to receive unsolicited referrals: https://referralcoach.com/client-onboarding-7-strategies/
#4 – Tap into Your Mastermind
I have three different Mastermind groups (study groups) that I meet with twice per year, each. I can credit much of my business success to the feedback and ideas I’ve received from these meetings, including the idea for the book I’m current writing, Radical Relevance.
To form a mastermind or make your current one better, follow these tips: https://referralcoach.com/mastermind-group-best-practices/
#5 – Create More Advocates for Your Business
When you do great work for your prospects and clients, some will naturally turn into advocates who make great connections for you.
Others need to be nurtured and nudged in order to develop them into advocate status. Here are 8 ideas to help you do just that: https://referralcoach.com/get-more-client-advocates/
Bonus Resolution – Make a Commitment to Clarity
In last week’s blog post I gave you 4 places where a commitment to clarity can have a huge impact on your business.
In case you missed it: https://referralcoach.com/clarity-in-2019/
How are you going to apply these concepts to your business this year? How will you get your team involved to make sure you produce results? (I really want to know!)
Or what questions do you have? I’d love to hear from you. Please leave your comment below. We can all learn from each other. Thanks!
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