1 Resolution to Grow Your Business in 2019

I have a one-word theme for you for 2019. Clarity!
In his article, Hunger for Certainty (Psychology Today), David Rock states, “Your brain craves certainty and avoids uncertainty like it’s pain.” Donald Miller, in his book, Building Your Storybrand, says, “The brain craves clarity.”
You’ve heard the expression, “A confused mind will not buy.” It’s true. A confused mind will not take action; be it respond to your messages, hire you as their advisor, follow your advice, etc.
4 Ways to Make Clarity Work for You in 2019 (And Beyond)
Clarity of Your Message
Who do you serve? How does your point of distinction benefit your clients? Why do you believe in your value and how that applies to your clients?
Do you have a clear, simple, and confident way to express your answers to these questions? Your prospects need to know these answers before moving forward to work with you. Your clients need to know the answers to your questions before they’ll introduce you to others.
Clarity of Your Process
There are actually two processes at play here. First, what is your process for helping a prospect decide if you’re the right fit for them? Second, what is your process (or processes) for bringing your value to you clients?
If your prospects aren’t clear about how to engage you and how you deliver your value, then they will not decide to work with you.
Clarity of Their Situation
I believe that one of the biggest points of value that you can bring to your clients is clarity of their situation: where they stand now (their “here”), where they want to be in a given time frame (their “there”), as well as the challenges/opportunities in helping them get from “here” to “there.”
Every point of clarity you make for your clients brings you closer to total loyalty and advocacy.
Clarity of Their Results
Julie Littlechild has been doing client-focused research in the financial services industry for years. One of her recent blogs reported this research-based finding, “The more comfortable and confident clients are in understanding their investments, the more likely they are to refer you to others.”
Notice that Julie didn’t say, “The more pleased they are with their results…” She’s talking about clarity of understanding. Of course, being please with the results certainly doesn’t hurt.”
For years, I’ve been teaching financial advisors to check in with their clients on a regular and consistent basis. I’ve seen these Value Discussions generate referrals on the spot, without even asking for them.
I suspect that there are other ways you can apply this theme of clarity to your business in 2019 and beyond; such as clarity of your communicate with your staff. Our brains and our psyche crave clarity and a confused mind will not take action.
How do you apply this concept of clarity to your business – with your prospects, clients, and/or team? (I really want to know!)
What works for you? Or what questions to you have? I’d love to hear from you. Please leave your comment below. We can all learn from each other. Thanks!
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