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5 Low-Key Ways to Build a Referral Culture in Your Office

by Bill Cates
5 Easy Ways to Create a Referral Culture in Your Office

Getting a consistent flow of referrals and introductions from advocates is not just about asking for them. It’s about creating a culture of referrals and introductions. Here are 5 simple things you can do to enhance that referral culture in your office – that will help you receive more unsolicited referrals and introductions to Right-Fit Clients™.


5 Simple Things You Can Do to Create a Referral Culture in Your Office


  1. Photos of Clients

    The special ingredient to creating advocates for your business is your ability to develop business friendships with many of your clients. Put these business friendships on display.  (Get permission from your clients to do so!)

    I was speaking with a successful advisor on the west coast who has a wall in his office devoted to photos of his clients and his client events.

    Prospects and clients who see these photos see how important the advisor views his relationship with his clients and how much fun his client events can be.

  2. Special Message on Your Video Screen

    While your clients are waiting for you in your conference room, in addition to your standard “Welcome George & Martha Smith,” you can add a screen with phrases such as…

    – “The finest compliment a client can give to us is an introduction to someone who should know about the important work we do.”

    – “Please don’t keep the important work we do a secret.”

    – “We are never too busy to see if we can be of assistance to others you care about.”

  3. Other Members of Your Staff

    Clients who feel engaged with our value and with you as a person are the clients who provide the most referrals and introductions. This goes for your staff as well.

    Client engagement is enhanced when your clients get a chance to meet your staff members in person; putting a friendly face to that friendly, helpful voice.

  4. Walk Them Out to Their Car

    Walking your prospects and clients out to their car or at least down the elevator and to the street level. 

    Once you leave the office environment, the conversation often turns away from business issues to family, friends, and other interests.

    You often learn things about your clients that you didn’t know. This knew information can sometimes trigger other ways you can be of service and help you learn about other people in their life who should know about your important work.

  5. Internal Reminders

    Put signage in your office kitchen or on your desk (facing you), that reminds you to look for opportunities to get introduced.

    We used to sell coffee mugs that said, “Don’t keep me a secret” on the side you would face your clients and “No Wimps” on the side that faced you.

    Heck, one of my coaching clients used our website home page as his boot-up screen on his computer to keep client engagement, referrals, and introductions on the forefront of his awareness.


What Do You Do to Promote Referrals and Introductions? (I really want to know!)


What steps or other ideas would you like to add to this short list?  I’d love to hear from you.  Please leave your comment below.  We can all learn from each other. Thanks!



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Referral Coach