7 Ways to Onboard Your New Clients & Become Super Referable (Quickly!)

One of the exercises that attendees at Exponential Growth 2017 find quite valuable is “Brainstorming Your Referability,” where we examine the three stages of your prospect and client relationships. Stage II of these relationships is the “New Client Experience” or “New Client Onboarding Process” where you create a “WOW” experience that helps you engage with your new clients on both a “personal level” and “value added level.”
7 Strategies for New Client Onboarding
Here are 7 ways I’ve seen a number of businesses use to create great first impressions during the new client onboarding process, and even generate referrals without asking for them. It’s likely not all of these will apply to your business, so use what makes sense for you.
Contact from Other Members of Your Team
Assuming you’re not the only person who will be working with your new clients, have other members of your team reach out to them as well. As part of your client onboarding routine, these other team members could send a handwritten note, make a quick phone call, or simply step in to a meeting to introduce themselves when the client is in your office.
Invite Your New Client to a Client Appreciation Event
When your clients who like you, trust you, and believe in your value, meet up with others who feel the same, everyone walks away with those feelings cemented even stronger. Get these feelings to your new clients as soon as possible in the new relationship. (Or… you can just take your client to lunch, a ball game, for a round of golf, out on your boat, or any other fun event to start building the business friendship.)
Expectations Agreement
Very few professionals and businesses use this powerful tool as part of their client onboarding process (or at all). This is usually a simple one or two page document that outlines the type and level of communication you believe is critical for an effective working relationship.
Phone Review
If you’re a financial professional, then there’s a good chance your clients will receive monthly statements. Call your new clients to go over the statement to ensure clarity. If you don’t have this easy-to-implement idea, how can you apply the concept of a quick review or check-in early in your new relationships?
Send a Book Related to Your Work or Their Interests
Yes – printed books still have perceived value. You can send a book that is totally related to the work you do, or something related to your clients’ hobbies or interests. Examples include hobbies such as fishing or travel, or interests like improving their health or growing their business. Regardless of the subject matter, the more relevant to your specific client, the better.
Connect on Social Media
You certainly want to connect with your clients with whatever Social Media platforms that apply to your business. When you do this, make the invitation personal. Don’t just use the generic invitation language provided by the tool.
Deliver a Welcome Package
This one always makes a statement with new clients. While you can mail a welcome package, if at all possible, its always better to either hand deliver it OR have it delivered by a courier. Of course, you’ll have to pick the method that best fits your business model and your budget.
Some of the items mentioned above could be part of this package. Here are a few others that people have found effective and easy to employ:
– Cookies or other sweets
– Fun item for their children
– Gift cards or coupons
– Card signed by everyone on your team
– Balloon attached to the package
How do the best get better? They believe in continual improvement, in life-long learning. AND… they don’t try to go it alone. They attend workshops and boot camps; they work with coaches and mentors; and they work with mastermind or study groups.
Don’t miss your opportunity to make this a great year and create exponential growth for a number of years to come.
Check out and register for our next event: www.ExponentialGrowth2017.com
I truly would like to hear from you. Post a comment in this blog and I’ll respond. Or, if you prefer, send an email directly to me at BillCates@ReferralCoach.com
PS – Don’t keep these ideas a secret. Tell your colleagues and business-owner clients.