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This Nearly Brought A Tear to My Eye…

by Bill Cates


“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” – Muhammed Ali


Do you ever wonder if you truly make a difference in the lives of others?

Just about the only time I get choked up is I’m when watching a movie with a scene about a father and his daughter. Here’s an exception.  Check out this note I received from a client recently:


Bill – You have changed 100’s of thousands of lives.  You have helped life insurance agents sell 100’s of thousands of policies that probably would not have been sold because they learned how to be more productive because of you.

You kept a lot of them in the business longer than they would have been and some, like me, in the business for decades.  You are probably directly attributable to the sale of 100’s of thousands of policies over almost 25 years.

100’s of thousands of children are sleeping tonight without the knowledge that if tomorrow is the worst day they could have ever imagined, they will still go through life with financial dignity.

Their Mom or Dad had a good life insurance agent and that agent went to the school of Bill Cates.


I have told my team many times over the years that when we help one of our clients acquire more new clients, we’re helping them bring their important value to the world.  We do our important work by helping you do more of your important work.


[ctt title=”‘Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.’ – Muhammed Ali” tweet=”‘Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.’ -Muhammed Ali | | @Bill_Cates” coverup=”HJD0b”]

What is it that gets you out of bed in the morning and motivates you to continue doing what you do? What is your “WHY?” Please share your thoughts with us in the comment section below or join the conversation on social media.

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