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Category: Get More Referrals

As you become more referable and even ask for referrals, if you’re not careful, your referral marketing efforts might start to generate prospects who don’t fit your business. What do you do if you receive a client referral that just isn’t a match?


I have an important question to ask you! If a prospect is not right for your business, are you right for them? Probably not. Yet do you ever take on clients who aren’t a good fit for you? Probably so. But why? Often, the answer is because your client took the initiative to refer a friend to you, and you felt obligated to take them on.


During a phone call with a client, planning the agenda for a speech, my client wanted to make sure I would address how to ask for referrals over the phone. And while asking for referrals (and getting introductions) is usually best done in person, it’s certainly possible to be effective over the phone. Heck, most of the referrals and introductions I receive are accomplished this way.


“When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported back, the rate of improvement accelerates or has dramatic improvement”. This is often referred to as Karl Pearson’s Law. The question is: can Karl help you get more referrals? Maybe not. But stick with me, because I can!

The above statement was sent to me by a recent graduate of our Referral Champions Training Camp. Mark is creating significant results using our process. Most of the credit goes to him, as he is using this principle to drive his actions and results.

Please allow me to show you 7 actions you can measure that will produce results…


When I teach people how to ask for referrals, this is the resistance I usually get:

“I don’t want to make my client feel uncomfortable by putting them on the spot.”

“I don’t want to look needy or unsuccessful.”

These are two of the many reasons why people aren’t confident asking for referrals and introductions. I get it! I totally understand.

Two important points:

1. Having the right approach will alleviate all the concerns, fears, and awkwardness.
2. Are you willing to get comfortable and confident? If not, then you can stop reading now.

It’s been awhile since I’ve run through our popular V.I.P.S. Method™ for asking for referrals. So here goes…


Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, is quoted as saying, “Nothing influences people more than a recommendation from a trusted friend. A trusted referral influences people more than the best broadcast message.”

So would Mr. Zuckerberg tell you stop using Facebook and other Social Media? Probably not. But here’s what he might tell you to do…

This 2-Minute Article Could Change Your Business Forever


An action trigger is something your prospect or client does or says that can trigger a referral-generating action on your part. This issue of the Referral Minute will highlight 5 things that can prompt you to promote referrals and introductions AND some very specific word tracks to help you produce results.

Of course, you have to be careful to not be obnoxious about this. You may get 4-5 action triggers in one appointment. Clearly, you don’t act on every single one.


When I deliver my live presentations (like my April Referral Champions Training Camp) I like to demonstrate the 5 places you should always consider creating a conversation about referrals and personal introductions.

While these areas are SO obvious (hence “no brainer” in the title), most professionals, advisors, and business owners miss these opportunities. What about you?


“Getting referrals is a notorious challenge for many entrepreneurs. Even those who do generate word-of-mouth business often don’t really understand why those referrals come their way — or how to go about getting more of them in a systematic, strategic manner.

“Cates has spent two decades building, honing and perfecting a system for generating new business from existing clients — a system that has led to amazing results for thousands of businesses both large and small.

“Here are three key moves that you can make right now that will boost your referrals — and could even ensure that you never have to market yourself again.”


You may be great at the work you do and you may have great relationships with most of your clients. And you may be making two critical mistakes that are keeping your clients from introducing you to others.

Mistake #1 – See how busy I am.

Mistake #2 – See how successful I am.

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Referral Coach