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You can get an email introduction – which is better than nothing. OR you can get an email handshake. What is that and how do you get one? Here’s how I turned an email introduction into an email handshake.


In a previous blog post, I covered three effective ways to get introduced through an email. It came with a short video you might find helpful. Feel free to check it out HERE: As…


The Language of Asking for Introductions Without Pushing, Begging, or Looking Like The Creepy Referral Guy Excerpted from Bill’s new book… The Language of Referrals:  The Words & Scripts Financial ProfessionalsUse to Win More Ideal…


The Language of Asking for Introductions Without Pushing, Begging, or Looking Like The Creepy Referral Guy Excerpted from Bill’s new book… The Language of Referrals:  The Words & Scripts Financial ProfessionalsUse to Win More Ideal…


TRUE OR FALSE? My satisfied clients will provide me with introductions to all the Right-Fit Clients™ can handle.             FALSE – Ongoing research conducted by Julie Littlechild (Absolute Engagement) has demonstrated that satisfied clients are…


One way many advisors make it easy and comfortable for their clients to introduce them is by providing them with some sort of tool to use.  Allow me to explain…
I’ve seen advisors use tools such as guides, checklists, short assessments, videos, books, and podcast episodes.


You’ll find the famous line, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” in Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet. What about with referrals? Is a Referral the same as Word of Mouth, is the…


Referrals are worthless unless what? Unless you get introduced.   Last week I talked about how to ask for referrals in a virtual environment.   In this blog, I want to talk about getting connected…


Bill – I have people in my network who will unlikely ever become clients of mine. How do I use your concepts to engage with them for introductions?   This is a question recently submitted…


How productive are your centers of influence – your non clients who have the ability to provide you with strong introductions to qualified prospects?

Are you getting the quantity and quality of effective introductions that you’d like?

Getting referrals and introductions from non-clients (centers of influence or referral partners) is not always as easy as we’d like it to be.

There are 7 logical steps that if done well, will help you create multiple centers of influence providing you with solid introductions to just the right prospects.

Results are a few simple steps and quality action away. (+ Bonus Video Included)

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Referral Coach