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Category: Referral Commitment

In 1940, Albert Gray delivered a speech to the National Association of Life Underwriters at their annual convention. This short but powerful speech was then reproduced into a little book (more like a pamphlet), that…


By Bill Cates, CSP, CPAE

On a recent group coaching call, one of the members of our elite group told us how he had used the VIPS Method™ to generate several introductions that turned into new clients. (The process works – if you work it).

He asked, “I want to go back to this client and ask again, but I’m not sure if or when I should do that.” The good news is that you can continue to ask clients for introductions, but you have to be mindful of two very important things.


Have you noticed how hard it is to reach prospects these days; even when you’re working from introductions? Some prospects in some niches are particularly hard to reach. For instance, physicians, surgeons, and dentists – to name a few – are harder to reach than others.

Here are three strategies worth considering to get any prospect to take notice and at least respond to your email or voice mail message.


Formal networking groups – such as BNI, chamber of commerce groups, and groups that gather for the purpose of exchanging leads – can be a great opportunity or a waste of time. It all depends on how you “work it.” I don’t remember who said it, but the saying goes something like “It’s not called net-sit, or net-eat. It’s called net-work.” Here’s a checklist of five habits you want to establish to make the most out of this client-acquisition strategy:


In my book Radical Relevance, I lay out The 17 Rules of Radical Relevance. I will be recording short videos for each one of these rules. They will be quick and easy for you to…


In my book Radical Relevance, I lay out The 17 Rules of Radical Relevance. I will be recording short videos for each one of these rules. They will be quick and easy for you to…


In my book Radical Relevance, I lay out The 17 Rules of Radical Relevance. I will be recording short videos for each one of these rules. They will be quick and easy for you to…


In my book Radical Relevance, I lay out The 17 Rules of Radical Relevance. I will be recording short videos for each one of these rules. They will be quick and easy for you to…


In my book Radical Relevance, I lay out The 17 Rules of Radical Relevance. I will be recording short videos for each one of these rules. They will be quick and easy for you to…


In my book Radical Relevance, I lay out The 17 Rules of Radical Relevance. I will be recording short videos for each one of these rules. They will be quick and easy for you to…

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Referral Coach