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A Growing Trend for Advisors: Focusing on a Target Market

by Bill Cates

The trend is clear. More and more advisors are finding value in narrowing their focus to target a well-defined niche or target market.

Here are the results of an unscientific LinkedIn poll I conducted recently…

  1. You provide more perceived and tangible value to your clients.
  2. Your messaging is more relevant and compelling.
  3. They know people like themselves and become advocates for you.
  4. You build a reputation that draws ideal clients to you.
  5. Your business is more efficient and more profitable.

“My only regret is not making the decision to focus
on my target market five years earlier.”

Adam Cmejla, CFP
  1. Employees in a medium to large company.
  2. Business owners in a specific industry.
  3. Medical Practices
  4. University Faculty & Administrators
  5. Affinity Groups such as: athletes, philanthropists, and parents of children with special needs.

    *There are many other examples, but these are the most common.

Many of the advisors whom I interviewed for my Top Advisor Podcast have had great success in focusing on a target market. Here are a few episodes where they tell their story:

#2 – Adam Cmejla, CFP – Optometrists (Nationally)

#7 – Diana DeFrate CFP, CLU and Katriina Paavola CFP – New York Publishing

#9 – Malcolm Ethridge, CFP, CPRC – High-Tech Employees

#13 – Jeffrey Chaddock, CRPC, APMA – Philanthropists

#19 – Walter Stith – Professional Athletes

#23 – Don Hilario – Google Employees (“Googlers”)

#27 – Jeremy Keil, CFP, CFA, CIMA – Harley-Davidson Employees

#59 – Mando Salavanti, III, CFP, CLTC – High-Tech Employees

#69 – Michael Budnick – Nurses and Hospital Staff

Stay tuned for my upcoming webinar on how to choose, focus, and profit from a well-defined target market. More information is coming soon to an inbox near you!

We are starting a new coaching program to help advisors choose, focus, and grow with a clearly defined target market. Interested? Contact me directly for more details:

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