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Grow a Mission-Driven Business

by Bill Cates

Some of the most successful businesses I’ve observed over my 40 years of running and coaching businesses are those businesses that are truly driven by their mission to bring value to their clients (and beyond).

The leaders of these businesses are passionate about transformation – the transformation of their business through transforming their clients.

They are clear on who they serve, how they serve them, and (especially) how their clients need their value.

Transforming into a mission-driven business could be your path to growth during this perfect storm of virus, stalled economy, and volatile stock market.

To my mind, a mission-driven business is characterized by:

  1. A deep-seeded belief in the value you provide to your clients
  2. An unrelenting drive to bring that value to others.
  3. Clarity about your Right-Fit Clients™.

Do Not Retreat – Be Bold with Your Value

Driven to Bring Value to Your Prospects and Clients

Here are 3 things to get in touch with your value:

  1. Ask your clients, what do they appreciate about the work you do for them? How do they describe the work you do for others? Go deeper with this previous blog post:
  2. Review your entire client journey. Assess all the points of value – the questions you ask, the things you teach, and how you respond to concerns.

    This is best done with your entire team (even if virtually). This gets everyone on the same page with your value – how to think about it and how to talk about it to others.
  3. Talk to your colleagues. If you’re not totally clear on the value you bring to others, speak to a number of your colleagues. Get their perspective.

Driven to Multiply Your Best Clients

Once you are fully in touch with your value, how can you NOT work to multiply your best clients? And how do you do that? You ask your clients.

Check out this past Blog on how to do this without begging or pushing:

One critical ingredient in multiplying your best clients is how you communicate your value to prospects and clients. Take this very quick quiz to see how you stack up with others:

How might you ask for referrals/introductions in this current climate? Carefully! Here’s how:

Driven to Attract Your Right-Fit Clients™

Your Right-Fit Client is more than an ideal client. It’s the perfect client for you. The bullseye for your business.

Indianapolis based advisor, Adam Cmejla, CFP, wanted to attract more affluent clients. He started with what he called “White Coat Professionals,” but soon realized that this was too broad of a target.

This diagram describes Adam’s journey to his bullseye:

Learn more about Adam’s journey to his bullseye from this Blog post:

Are you prepared for the greatest prospecting opportunity in decades?

Between COVID-19 and the volatile stock market, our industry is reeling. Yet in the midst of this crisis, there’s opportunity.

Did you know that many advisors acquire significant numbers of new clients after a downturn in the market? In fact, I believe that the advisors who proceed correctly will experience the greatest prospecting opportunity in over 20 years.

If you are ready to turbo-charge your client acquisition process, check out the 3 highly-customizable 1:1 coaching programs that we offer.

To learn more about our 1:1 coaching packages, visit

What Our Clients Are Saying

“Before our coaching started, I was using an email method to contact prospects that just plain stunk. No responses. Not even negative responses. After one call with you, I revamped my message and have already secured 2 new clients. Unlike past coaches, YOU are actually making me money!”

Dennis O’Keefe, CFP
Successful Money Strategies, Inc. (Fall River, MA)

“I have revised my business development roadmap off of your tools and guidance, and we are off to a roaring start in 2020. Our pipeline is stronger and deeper than it has ever been.  The way I interact with COI’s and prospects is 180 degrees from where I started.”

Ryan Weissmueller
President – Fintrepid Solutions (Scottsdale, AZ)

Referral Coach