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During a phone call with a client, planning the agenda for a speech, my client wanted to make sure I would address how to ask for referrals over the phone. And while asking for referrals (and getting introductions) is usually best done in person, it’s certainly possible to be effective over the phone. Heck, most of the referrals and introductions I receive are accomplished this way.


Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, is quoted as saying, “Nothing influences people more than a recommendation from a trusted friend. A trusted referral influences people more than the best broadcast message.”

So would Mr. Zuckerberg tell you stop using Facebook and other Social Media? Probably not. But here’s what he might tell you to do…

This 2-Minute Article Could Change Your Business Forever


Have you ever received a sales call from someone who was so inept that as they were bumbling through their poorly prepared opening, you were thinking…
1. “Why did I answer this call from a number I didn’t recognize? and / or
2. “This person either needs a new career or needs to work for someone who can train them.”

I probably get a couple of these calls a week. I got one today that compelled me to write this piece for you.

Make this part of your business-building checklist. Refer to it often, because we all fall into bad habits. Are you guilty of these mistakes that could be costing you?


“Hiding behind technology? What does Bill mean by that?” Email, texting, and LinkedIn are great tools to assist us in gaining introductions. I love those electronic handshakes, don’t you?

BUT as good as these tools can be in turning someone’s willingness to refer into an actionable introduction, I keep seeing so many professionals using these tools in ways that reduce their effectiveness.

I wonder. Are you making these same mistakes?


The Principle: When you can have fun with the referral/introductions process, everything gets easier. You feel more comfortable AND your clients feel more comfortable! More importantly – you produce significant results.

The Action: I just spoke to a group of 100 Group Benefit Advisors. After my presentation, Eric Silverman told me about a best practice that is working for his firm. This simple idea puts a smile on the face of his clients and generates referrals and introductions.


Last week, I was speaking to a group of financial professionals. Also on the program was Nick Murray – industry legend, author, and engaging speaker. Nick had some fun with all the fear people seem to have around prospecting for new business.

Then he made a statement that pretty much sums up my philosophy about prospecting. A perspective, that if everyone would adopt – not only would they not be afraid of prospecting, the whole concept of prospecting and selling would be elevated to a higher level. Would you like to know what Nick said? Keep reading…


Guest Article from Susan Danzig with Additional Thoughts from Bill Cates

Having a clear slogan is valuable in educating your clients, prospects and centers of influence about whom you serve and the services you provide. Whether meeting new clients in person, or with the aid of your marketing collateral, through your social media communications or other marketing channels, your message needs to stay consistent and touch on the problems that you solve for your ideal client(s).

Here are three important things to consider when creating a slogan that will raise visibility, increase credibility, and consistently attract your ideal clients:


You probably already have a sense of how narrowing your marketing focus helps you produce better results. But perhaps you’ve never fully bought into the idea. Many people operate under the mistaken belief that, “If I just focus on this target market, I’ll miss all this other opportunity.”

Well, the truth is you might forego some opportunity, but your success in your niche will be so great that you’ll never miss it. Here are 7 reasons why you want to consider targeting a narrower market:

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Referral Coach