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Month: July 2020

Bring-a-Guest events have long been a staple in financial services as a way to meet qualified prospects. But what about in this virtual world we’re living in at the moment? Can Social Event Marketing still…


If you want to attract more Right-Fit Clients™ you need to deliver remarkable value. Value that gets your clients talking about you to others. Value that is worthy of remark. When I interview top producing…


Getting referrals and introductions without asking for them is probably the most fun way to grow your business – especially if you’re getting introduced to the right types of people. In this blog, I’ll provide…


EXCERPTED FROM BILL’S NEWEST BOOK: Radical Relevance If a high-level prospect or potential center of influence asked you, “What makes you different?”. Would you have an immediate, succinct, and confident answer? Do you struggle or…


EXCERPTED FROM BILL’S NEWEST BOOK: Radical Relevance Becoming and remaining relevant to your prospects and clients—and communicating your relevance in a clear way—is foundational to your business success. Here are a few of the many…


Referral Coach