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Month: June 2016

The best LinkedIn profiles move people to take action. They are written in such a way that visitors will take action; accept your invitation, want to connect with you, and meet with you because someone they trust recommended you.

A compelling profile, voice mail message, email message – you name it – moves people to action. Isn’t that what you want?


You can get an email introduction – which is better than nothing. OR you can get an email handshake. What is that and how do you get one? Here’s how I turned an email introduction into an email handshake.


As you become more referable and even ask for referrals, if you’re not careful, your referral marketing efforts might start to generate prospects who don’t fit your business. What do you do if you receive a client referral that just isn’t a match?


I have an important question to ask you! If a prospect is not right for your business, are you right for them? Probably not. Yet do you ever take on clients who aren’t a good fit for you? Probably so. But why? Often, the answer is because your client took the initiative to refer a friend to you, and you felt obligated to take them on.


According to the IRS, roughly 39% of the wealthiest investors — those with assets of at least $625,000 — are women. In the affluent women’s market, there are over one million women with a net worth of at least $1 million. Females make over 80% of buying decisions. It’s no wonder that many financial professional aspire to capture their share of the growing affluent women’s market. If you hope to attract and retain more affluent women as clients, you better have a plan…


Referral Coach