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Category: Communicate Your Value

You’ve heard the expression, “Working in your business and working on your business.” Here’s a variation for you, “Working in your relationships and working on your relationships.” The key to client loyalty and unsolicited referrals is client engagement. You can enhance your clients’ feelings of engagement through the questions…


Make and keep these following resolutions and you’ll avoid looking like The Creepy Referral Guy in 2025. No begging, pushing, or other creepy referral behavior allowed! Bonus Resolution 13. Bring Bill Cates into your organization – virtually or in-person…


The not-so-secret secret to enduring success lies not just in the numbers, but in the strength of the relationships you build. Strong relationships create client persistency and makes you super-referable (to get more unsolicited referrals). You’ve heard…


Picture this: You’re sinking into the plush embrace of a Lazy Boy, basking in the post-turkey glow of a family feast, when your sister’s latest beau, a chap you’ve barely exchanged two words with, decides to…


In the hustle and bustle of modern life, many of us create “bucket lists” filled with dreams we hope to achieve before departing this life. However, wealth advisor, author, and money maven Nicole Middendorf offers…


Imagine you’re relaxing in the Lazy Boy in the family room, following a big holiday dinner with your family, and your sister’s new beau plops down on the sofa next to you and asks the…


If you want to attract more Right-Fit Clients™ you need to deliver remarkable value. Value that gets your clients talking about you to others. Value that is worthy of remark. When I interview top producing…


If you want to attract and win more right-fit clients, you must ensure that the information you are conveying to the world about your value is, in fact, what you intend to communicate. Here are 9 questions that will help you to both assess your value, and create an action checklist to focus your messaging.


I just read a powerful book that you need to know about, because it has changed how I view my own business. Here are the two biggest lessons I learned:

#1. You need to be the GUIDE in your clients’ stories, not the HERO, and;
#2. If you don’t understand both your prospects’ internal and external problems, they won’t want to work with you.

To find out what the heck I’m talking about and the name of this game-changing book, keep reading (+BONUS VIDEO)


Here are 10½ New Year’s Resolutions you can make and keep for acquiring more ideal clients in 2018:

Repeat after me…

1. I resolve to… create and deliver a discovery process with prospects that leads with value so that I win the business and my initial process alone generates some introductions.

2. I resolve to… employ an onboarding process that welcomes my new clients down the metaphorical red carpet – so they go “wow” much more than I expected.

Don’t stop at here! Keep reading and have a spectacular year!

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Referral Coach