9 Question Self-Assessment: Do You Communicate Your Value Effectively?

The foundation of your business success consists of how you perceive, believe, communicate, and deliver your value. You and your team are communicating your value constantly – both consciously and unconsciously – every single day.
What you think and believe about the value that you bring to your clients shows up in a myriad of places, including:
- your emails to prospects
- phone conversations
- educational seminars
- your website
- your LinkedIn profile
- networking events
- social gatherings
… and the list goes on.
If you want to attract and win more right-fit clients, you must ensure that the information you are conveying to the world about your value is, in fact, what you intend to communicate. The following 9 questions are designed to help you both assess your value, and create an action checklist to focus your messaging.
9 Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Value
- Have you taken stock of your complete value proposition by reviewing your entire client journey (prospect experience, new client onboarding, ongoing client experience), and identified all the points where you provide value?
- Do you have clear, well-defined target market(s) – where you focus all or most of your marketing efforts?
- Do you have specific, well-articulated Perfect-Fit Client Profile(s); covering both the demographic and psychographic attributes of the clients that you serve best?
- Are you perfectly clear about the primary problem you solve for your Perfect-Fit Clients?
- Do you have one or more clear points of distinction that your prospects can easily see which differentiate you from many of your competitors?
EXTRA CREDIT: What are your top 3 points of distinction? (HINT: These don’t have to be totally unique, but if most businesses can say it, it’s not distinct.)
- Do you have a clearly defined process that you use to discover your prospects’ and clients’ problems before recommending any solutions?
- Do you have a clear, concise, and confident response when someone asks you “What do you do?” (P.S. If your answer is no, CLICK HERE for a free report to fix that.)
- Have you developed your Client-Focused Why? (Meaning, WHY you believe in the value of the work that you do.)
- When you know you are a good fit for a prospective client, do you confidently let them know why you believe this to be the case?