20 Questions to Build Client Loyalty & Get Unsolicited Referrals

You’ve heard the expression, “Working in your business and working on your business.”
Here’s a variation for you, “Working in your relationships and working on your relationships.”
The key to client loyalty and unsolicited referrals is client engagement. You can enhance your clients’ feelings of engagement through the questions you ask them.
Let’s Play 20 Questions!
Here are some questions you can ask at pretty much any time during the course of working with your clients. Pick the few that work for you and let these inspire other questions.
- “In what ways has our financial planning partnership helped you feel more confident about your future?”
- “Which of our services or recommendations from the past year have you found most beneficial?”
- “How do you feel we’re doing in providing financial updates and other helpful information?”
- “What aspects of your financial life – present and/or future – give you some concern?”
- “Who else in your family should be included in our financial planning discussions?” [NOTE – You can be more directive in this area and recommend you include others who you know should be part of the discussions.]
- “What milestones or life changes do you anticipate in the next 3-5 years that might have an impact on your financial plans?”
- “Do you feel we’re meeting often enough – virtually and in-person?”
- “What financial topics would you like to understand better?”
- ”Do you think your risk tolerance has changed over the past year?”
- “What financial goals have become more important to you recently?”
- “If you had a bucket list, what would be the top 5 items?” [NOTE – See how you can support them with these items through introduction, encouragements, and helping them set aside money.]
- “Are there any areas of our service where you feel we could provide more support or guidance?”
- “How well are we explaining complex financial concepts to you?”
- “What’s the primary financial legacy you want to leave for your family? Is it just money? Are there other elements to your legacy?”
- “Which aspects of your financial plan would you like to review more frequently?”
- “How comfortable are you with our current investment strategy given the current market conditions?”
- “What questions about your financial plan do you feel have gone unanswered or need clarification?”
- “What does your working relationship with your CPA look like and are you happy with it?” OR “How can we better coordinate with your other professional advisors (accountant, attorney, etc.)?”
- “In addition to your spouse/partner/children, who else might you feel some financial connection or responsibility?”
- “Are there any upcoming business or career changes you foresee on the horizon that we might want to factor into your financial plan?”
“What questions have you been meaning to ask me but either keep forgetting, or aren’t sure you know how to ask clearly?”
These questions are designed to be open-ended and encourage meaningful dialogue while covering various aspects of the client relationship, from service quality to future planning needs.
What is one of your favorite questions to ask prospects and/or clients?
Leave a comment below. If I collect enough, I’ll share them with everyone.
Don’t forget ALL of our resources – many of them free – are waiting for you at www.ReferralCoach.com/resources.
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