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Category: Be More Referable

Sending reasonable priced gifts to your clients – at least your ‘A’ clients – and your referral sources creates great “engagement.” And it’s “engaged” clients who give referrals.

So what’s your plan for this year?

One of the best gifts I ever sent to our clients is when my daughter was selling Girl Scout cookies. I sent out 144 boxes of Thin Mints. My clients loved it and my daughter led her troop in cookie sales that year.

By the way – if it has your logo on it – it’s probably not a gift… its promotion! There are exceptions to that rule, however.


Last week I talked about the 3 Ways the Word “Promise” Can Grow Your Business. This week, I want to illustrate how a simple promise we make to ourselves can have a profound impact on our life and our business. For this, we have to go back to January 12, 1966.

As a dedicated reader of the Batman comic book series (DC Comics), Michael was sitting in front of his television set – eagerly anticipating the first episode of ABC TV’s Batman series. But when the show began, Michael was stunned at what he saw.

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Referral Coach