Check Out Bill Cates’ NEW Top Advisor Podcast™
Interviews with Top Advisors for Top Advisors!
In this episode, Bill Cates interviews Diana DeFrate CFP®, CLU® and Katriina Paavola, CFP® – founders of DeFrate & Paavola, LLC – to learn how they’ve built a successful “by referral only” business… without asking for referrals!
In this episode, Bill Cates interviews Joe De Sena, CFP®, MBA, private wealth advisor at Siena Wealth Advisory Group, about how he uses retirement parties to create client loyalty for life and simultaneously reach new qualified prospects.
In this episode, Bill Cates is joined by Bryan Sweet CLU®, ChFC®, founder and CEO of Sweet Financial Services, to discuss how Brian uses his client onboarding program (“The 90 Day Dazzle”) to drastically increase his referrals earlier in his new-client relationships.
In this episode, Bill is joined by Peter Oldziey CFP®, of Peter A. Oldziey & Associates. Peter discusses his vision for his ideal life and business, and how he executed a business plan that created both.
In this episode, Bill is joined by Lester Matlock CFP®, CRPC®, APMA®, private wealth advisor. Lester discusses his Bucket List Campaign and how he creates a business friendship with clients, so they become his biggest advocates.
In this episode, Bill is joined by Adam Cmejla CFP®, president of Integrated Planning & Wealth Management. Adam discusses his decision to focus on a very specific target market, which has brought him to an extraordinarily high level of success.
In this episode, Bill is joined by Alanna Morey, CFP®, APMA®, private wealth advisor at Siena Wealth Advisory Group. Alanna shares her inspiring journey that took her from living in her car to becoming a financial advisor generating $1.2 million in revenue this year.
In this debut episode of The Top Advisor Podcast, client-acquisition expert Bill Cates introduces the show and gets right into practical ideas and strategies that many advisors are already using to fuel their growth.