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Is Batman’s Special Power Referrals?

by Bill Cates


Last week I talked about the 3 Ways the Word “Promise” Can Grow Your Business.  This week, I want to illustrate how a simple promise we make to ourselves can have a profound impact on our life and our business. For this, we have to go back to January 12, 1966.

As a dedicated reader of the Batman comic book series (DC Comics), Michael was sitting in front of his television set in Bayonne, NJ eagerly anticipating the first episode of ABC TV’s Batman series. But when the show began, Michael was stunned at what he saw. Pow! Zap! Boom! This wasn’t the Batman that Michael loved from the comics. America was making fun of Batman. At that moment in time, Michael made a simple promise to himself, “One day I will show the world who the real Batman is.”

Fast forward a few years.  Michael pursued undergraduate and graduate studies at Indiana University. Still an avid comic book collector and budding comic book illustrator, Michael was (reluctantly) given permission from the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences to teach a course titled, “The Comic Book in Society.”

Michael won fame for his comic book class by anonymously calling a local newspaper reporter and complaining about the course as, “…a waste of taxpayer dollars.” The word spread quickly. TV crews filmed the first five meetings of the course, by then called “The Comic Book in America,” including John Chancellor’s NBC News.

Press coverage eventually led Michael to a phone call from DC Comics and an offer for his dream job – illustrating Batman comics.

Wrangling up some investment capital, he and partner Benjamin Melniker bought the film rights to the Batman franchise from DC Comics in 1979. It took 10 years to find someone interested in making a film depicting Batman as the dark and serious character Michael wanted the world to know.

In 1989, Tim Burton made the first of the Batman movies.  Prior to the release of Batman v Superman – Dawn of Justice, the Batman movies have grossed over $4.5B in ticket sales. And the entire Batman franchise of ancillary products is worth substantially more.

The promise that 14 year old Michael Uslan made to himself turned into the 5th largest movie franchise in history.  Uslan is a rich man and remains The Boy Who Loved Batman.”

THIS is the power of a promise you make to yourself… the power of your intention… of your awareness… and of your courage to go for something with all your heart.

Make the PROMISE to Develop and Use a Process to Get More Clients through Referrals and Personal Introductions.

It’s not too late to sign up for our April Referral Champions Training Camp to get new ideas, boost your confidence, get more clients, and have the best year of your career!   A few seats remain. Grab one for you and your referral buddy now!


Referral Coach