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Tag: value

Would you like to create a reputation for yourself that attracts more Right-Fit Clients™?  Would you like to move further away from push prospecting and toward attraction marketing? The first thing you want to do…


If you want to attract more Right-Fit Clients™ you need to deliver remarkable value. Value that gets your clients talking about you to others. Value that is worthy of remark. When I interview top producing…


Getting referrals and introductions without asking for them is probably the most fun way to grow your business – especially if you’re getting introduced to the right types of people. In this blog, I’ll provide…


EXCERPTED FROM BILL’S NEWEST BOOK: Radical Relevance If a high-level prospect or potential center of influence asked you, “What makes you different?”. Would you have an immediate, succinct, and confident answer? Do you struggle or…


Getting referrals faster in new relationships is all about providing immediate value. There are many ways to provide value in a brand-new relationship. Sometimes, just setting the appointment brings great value. You know this has…


In a recent Zoom call with Gerry (a veteran advisor hailing from North Carolina), Gerry told me, “I’m trying to strike a balance between reaching out to my clients as a good listener – to…


Some of the most successful businesses I’ve observed over my 40 years of running and coaching businesses are those businesses that are truly driven by their mission to bring value to their clients (and beyond)….


When I deliver my live presentations (like my April Referral Champions Training Camp) I like to demonstrate the 5 places you should always consider creating a conversation about referrals and personal introductions.

While these areas are SO obvious (hence “no brainer” in the title), most professionals, advisors, and business owners miss these opportunities. What about you?


Last week, I was speaking to a group of financial professionals. Also on the program was Nick Murray – industry legend, author, and engaging speaker. Nick had some fun with all the fear people seem to have around prospecting for new business.

Then he made a statement that pretty much sums up my philosophy about prospecting. A perspective, that if everyone would adopt – not only would they not be afraid of prospecting, the whole concept of prospecting and selling would be elevated to a higher level. Would you like to know what Nick said? Keep reading…

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Referral Coach