5 Ways to Make Sure You Don’t Forget to Ask for Introductions

Do you ever forget to ask for referrals/introductions? On coaching calls and webinars, this is a very common question.
Deciding not to ask and forgetting to ask are usually two separate things. Sure, you can remember and still wimp out. It happens to the best of us. And you can appropriately decide that “this is not the right time to ask.”
First – Get Confident
Assuming you’d like more quality introductions and know that your prospects would prefer to meet you through an introduction from a trusted source, then forgetting is a sign of low confidence.
Asking for introductions is an easy process to understand. It’s really a matter of confidence. When you don’t feel confident with something, what do you feel? Self-doubt? Anxiousness? Fear? Certainly, a lack of action.
So how do you get confident with asking – or with anything else for that matter?
First, you learn a proven process. If you’d like to be reminded of mine, go to my past blog posts, starting with this one: https://referralcoach.com/referrals-in-a-virtual-world/
Then you practice that process until your skill and confidence improves.
Here are 4 more things you can do to make sure you don’t forget to ask for introductions:
- Use a Meeting Agenda – When you run a meeting from an agenda, you will run a more organized and efficient meeting. You will ensure you have the time to cover everything you hope to cover. When you’re running thin on time, it’s easy to “forget” about an item that might make you a wee bit uncomfortable.
- Put Value Discussion on the Agenda – This is the beginning of our V.I.P.S. Method for Asking. This will hold you accountable to at least the first step. You can use other verbiage such as Value Check-In or Communication Review or Expectations Review.
- Come Prepared – When you come prepared to ask for introductions, rather than wing it, you’ll be more confident and you’ll produce better results. Who do you know who they know? What situations or life events are good prospects typically experiencing? As you enter into this conversation, let your client know that you’ve given this some thought and that you have a few ideas to explore.
- Use a Celebration Partner – A celebration partner is the same as an accountability partner but with an emphasis on success. Whenever you are trying to establish a new habit, it often helps to have one or two other people going through the same process. You discuss challenges and barriers, you brainstorm solutions, you set goals, and you celebrate successes. And yes, you can hold each other accountable in whatever form works best for you.
Forward this article to a friend or colleague. And don’t forget ALL our resources – many of them free – are waiting for you at www.ReferralCoach.com/resources.
Virtual Referral Training is Here
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