Enhance Client Engagement to Increase Unsolicited Referrals (Part 2 of 6)

Excerpted from Bill’s new book…
The Language of Referrals: The Words & Scripts Financial Professionals Use to Win More Ideal Clients
This article is Part 2 of a 6-part series. To access Part 1, CLICK HERE.
There’s little point in considering a business based on personal introductions if you’re not referable in the first place.
Becoming super-referable requires creating more engaged clients – clients who feel good about your value and who like and trust you.
Value connections are created through your value-generating activities – such as the great questions you ask, the things you teach, your team’s responsive service, and the clarity and peace of mind you help your clients achieve.
Personal connections are created through your human-to-human activities – client appreciation events and gifts, breaking bread, hand-written notes, and simply getting to know your clients in ways that go beyond the core work you do for them. Personal connections lead to business friendships and business friendships lead to advocates for your business.
There are three unequal parts to the journey you take with your clients:
- The prospect experience.
- The new client experience.
- The ongoing client experience.
In each of these parts, you always want to think in terms of creating more value connections and enhancing personal connections. You need both to become super-referable.
The Prospect Experience
In your prospect experience, you make a value connection through the questions you ask – the questions that get your prospects thinking in ways that expose gaps in their planning and demonstrate new possibilities.
Laura – Let’s imagine it’s 10 years from today. What has to happen… what needs to be in place… for you to feel a sense of peace of mind in your financial life? …OR….
Simon – If God forbid, you were no longer able to provide for your family, would they be able to remain in your current home, and would your children have money in place for their university education?
On the Personal Connection side of things, I recommend you tell your prospects a quick story that explains why you believe in your value; and why you are on a mission to bring this important work to them and others.
Everyone’sstory will be different – triggered by different circumstances. Here’s one of several examples I provide in The Language of Referrals.
George, that’s a little bit about what we do and how we do it. I’d like to shift gears for a minute and tell you why I do what I do … why I believe this work is so important.
I’ve learned that even very smart and successful people such as yourself don’t always have the full clarity and confidence they’d like around their financial future. They often wonder if they may be missing something important.
My mission is to make sure you are clear about where you are and where you want to go, as well as being confident that you have the right action plan in place to take you there. From that, you will experience great peace of mind. And, by adjusting your plan of action as needed, your confidence and peace of mind will never fade.
The New Client Experience
All humans crave clarity – especially your brand-new clients. Ensure your new clients fully understand the work that you are doing with them. Show them how you are helping them make educated decisions; without getting too technical, I should add.
William – Be sure to let me know as soon as you receive your first statement. We’ll hop on the phone or Zoom to review it together. I want to make sure that you are always 100 percent clear on the work we’re doing together.
For your new clients – there are limitless ways you can enhance your personal connection. One simple thing to do is to have your team members personally sign a “welcome aboard” card or even call your new clients to welcome them into “your family.”
Invite them to a thank you lunch or dinner or other simple social activity. Enhancing the personal connection goes a long way toward helping your new clients feel good about their decision to work with you and these activities make you and your team more referable in the process.
The Ongoing Client Experience
For a value connection – systemize the habit of checking in on expectations. Give your clients the chance to express any frustrations they might have. And give them regular chances to reflect on what they like and where they find value in working with you.
Zemira – Let’s take a minute to talk about expectations. First of all, I want to see if there is any place we are not meeting your expectations – so we can make adjustments. I also want to see where we ARE meeting your expectations – maybe even exceeding from time to time (smile) – so we can keep doing those things for you and our other clients.
For personal connections – hosting client appreciation events is a great strategy. When your clients – who like you and trust you – get together in a social setting with other clients who like you and trust you – everyone leaves liking and trusting you more.
And I would add… If there are certain clients you would truly like to attend your events, don’t leave it to chance – hoping they’ll see and respond to your email or mailed invitation. Draw their attention to the event using the right language.
Crystal and William – We are hosting a special luncheon for many of our clients in a couple of months. While we’ll be mailing invitations, I wanted to personally invite you to attend. I’d love to have you there. We’re inviting a lot of other smart and fun people like you. I think you’ll really enjoy it.
What I just covered is a mere glimpse into what can be done and said to become super-referable with prospects, new clients, and long-term clients.
Becoming super-referable will help start the flow of unsolicited introductions.
What’s next?
In Part 3 of this 6-Part series, we’re going to explore things you can do to get even more quality introductions to ideal clients without asking for them.
And don’t forget ALL our resources – many of them free – are waiting for you at www.ReferralCoach.com/resources.
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