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Category: Be More Referable

Lead Programs – Recipe for Mediocrity? While preparing for an in-person workshop with a financial firm, I was interviewing one of their newer advisors. He was telling me about one of their lead programs designed…


Excerpted from Bill’s new book… The Language of Referrals: The Words & Scripts Financial Professionals Use to Win More Ideal Clients This article is Part 2 of a 6-part series. To access Part 1, CLICK HERE….


Get More Referrals by Adjusting Your Referral Self-Talk Excerpted from Bill’s new book… The Language of Referrals: The Words & Scripts Financial Professionals Use to Win More Ideal Clients Adopting a process to produce a…


People are always asking me for specific, tangible ideas for increasing client engagement. So, since I always love an opportunity to share REAL things that REAL people are doing to produce REAL results, here are 4 things that Scott (a financial advisor in San Diego whom I’ve dubbed the “King of Wow”) has done to show his clients how much he cares… and turn them into advocates for his firm along the way.


Did you hear that Twitter is purging millions of accounts every day? In Twitter’s case, it’s because they had millions of “fake” accounts. However, this concept got me thinking about the concept of purging in general, and how many of us (myself included) are guilty of holding onto clients long past when we should. So, how do you know when it’s time to fire a client?


What does the epic fail of the emergency alert system in Hawaii have to do with your business? More than you might think.

Here are 5 key takeaways about crisis management and damage control that we should all keep in mind when disaster strikes our office – even if that “disaster” is as simple as a disgruntled client.


Tis’ the season of giving! Although it’s important to show your appreciation year-round, sending reasonably-priced gifts during the holidays can go a long way in keeping you engaged with your clients and centers of influence, while continuing to…


I recently read this excellent article written by Julie Littlechild, founder of Julie’s perspective and rich list of action items will help you make an immediate on your business. It’s an absolute must-read for advisors and financial professionals, so check it out…


Have you ever thought about how your assistant or staff member(s) can help you generate more referrals and personal introductions?

A new feature of Exponential Growth 2017 is that we are invited participants to bring an assistant or staff member with them to the boot camp.

While a member of your staff may never ask for referrals from your clients, there are a number of things they can do to have a significant impact…


Your client relationships can be broken down into three stages.

Stage II of your client relationships is the “New Client Experience” or “Onboarding Process.”

You can deliver a Welcome Package and/or drip a few items over the first week or two. Either will help you create a “Wow” experience that helps you engage with your new clients on both a “personal level” and “value added level.”

Here are 7 ways I’ve seen a number of businesses use to create great first impressions and even generate referrals without asking for them.

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Referral Coach