Are You “Introducable”?

He was right. And now, it appears I’m going to have to get a “Referral Swear Jar.” I can see it now… During my speeches and workshops, each time I say “referrals” I’ll have to put a quarter in the jar. Old habits die hard.
The truth is, referrals (25¢) are pretty much worthless. It’s just so hard to reach people these days, that we have to think in terms of “introductions.”
5 Steps to Better Introductions
In the video that accompanies this blog, I run through 5 steps that will help you turn referrals (25¢) into introductions.
(P.S. Make sure to keep watching until the end because around the 5:44 mark I share a link to download a FREE REPORT on how to secure better e-mail introductions (“Electronic Handshakes”)
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#1 – Be assumptive for the introduction. I don’t believe you should ever assume someone is willing to give you referrals; that’s too aggressive.
#2 – Make it collaborative. Creating the introduction should be a joint effort between you and the referral source.
#3 – Make it about protecting the relationships. We want an introduction that feels safe to all parties concerned.
#4 – Take your time. Don’t rush through this. Get a good introduction.
#5 – A referral (25¢) doesn’t count unless it’s actionable! I can’t emphasize this point enough. Anything short of that is wishing and hoping.
How to Talk About Your Value at Holiday Events (and Beyond)
A LIVE High-Content Client Acquisition Webinar From Bill Cates, CSP, CPAE
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
12:00p Eastern | 11:00a Central | 10:00a Mountain | 9:00a Pacific
- What do you say when your brother’s latest girlfriend asks, “So what do you do?”
- What do you say when Uncle Ernie asks, “How’s business?”
- How do you get friends or family interested in meeting with you for a business conversation?
For actionable strategies for leveraging holiday social events to grow your business this season, click here to reserve your seat at the table.
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