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Month: August 2022

Just because you create a vision and a plan to address all of your client’s fears and concerns doesn’t mean those fears and concerns automatically disappear forever. 


While it’s difficult to generalize about what prospects consider when deciding to work with you, there is a common denominator in every decision. Your prospects are consciously or unconsciously asking themselves, “Is he/she right for me?” 


Have you ever had a client ask you, “What should I tell others about you?” And did you have a very simple answer for them; an answer that they would remember and effective enough to compel someone to want to meet you? This is a perfect example of where the phrase less is more might be applied.


Have you ever had a client ask you, “What should I tell others about you?” And did you have a very simple answer for them; an answer that they would remember and effective enough to compel someone to want to meet you? This is a perfect example of where the phrase less is more might be applied.


Referral Coach