You Earn What You Believe

Many people never make as much money as they’d like because of an unconscious belief that that’s all they are capable of earning, that’s all they deserve to earn, or similar limiting thinking.
For myself, whenever I get “stuck” at a certain income, I have to believe more is possible before I act in a way that makes that belief come true.
Because my expertise is in the area of client acquisition through referrals, I’m going to address specifically how limiting thinking and beliefs may be sabotaging your ability to create an abundant flow of high-quality clients through referrals.
Management consultant Zemira Jones says, “Even the most elegant strategies are doomed when not supported by the right beliefs.”
Skill Set or Mindset?
If you aren’t producing the results you want in a certain area of your life, ask yourself this question: “Is this a skill set or a mindset problem?” I suggest that these two go hand-in-hand and must always be addressed together. You could possess all the knowledge possible in a certain area, but your application of that knowledge – the development of skill – will always be affected by what you believe to be possible.
[ctt title=”‘To change your results, you must first change your beliefs.'” tweet=”‘To change your results, you must first change your beliefs.’ | | @Bill_Cates” coverup=”ZwAmb”]
To put it another way, a limited mindset (belief system) yields limited awareness, which stifles results-producing action.
Jones says, “Whatever you do, think, and believe your brain perpetuates.” You think, “Asking for referrals isn’t safe. I might look needy or hurt the relationship.” Your brain says, “Okay. If that’s what you want. I’ll play along.”
The Good News and the Bad News
As recently as about twenty years ago, physicians and scientists believed that an adult’s brain was static. Once all the neuropathways were set, they stayed that way. Brain cells could be destroyed, but not created. The science of neuroplasticity has disproven that old thinking. Our patterns of emotion, thought, and action can – over time – change the structure and wiring of the brain.
The bad news is this: our habits are truly hardwired into our brain. When someone says, “I’m wired that way,” he/she is telling the truth. The good news is this: we can change our wiring. We can change our habits. Old dogs can be taught new tricks.