They Can’t Read Your Mind. Use a Call to Action!

Your prospects and clients can’t read your mind. If there’s an action you want them to take, tell them. Wishing and hoping is not a good plan.
Every good marketer will tell you that almost every message you deliver to your prospects and clients is not complete with a Call to Action (CTA).
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Let’s say you get introduced to a new prospect and your first contact with this prospect is an email. You thank the introducer and you provide your value positioning statement.
Then what? Do you write, “I hope to hear from you.” That’s not a strong CTA.
Instead, say something like, “Let’s set up a call to see if it makes sense for us to get together, per Rob’s suggestion? Here is my scheduling link to set up a short (10-15 minute) call.” That’s a decent call to action.
Not all CTAs are created equal. Some can be perceived as pushy, others can be too soft to create any action, while others are just right. Give thought to your CTAs. Present the right request for action at the right time.
Here are 4 places were you always want to use a CTA:
1. Your Emails – Not every email you send to prospects and clients should have a CTA, just the ones designed to motivate the recipient to take some sort of action, no matter how large or small.
“Please open the attachment for a full explanation of our process. I’ll be following up soon to see what questions come up for you.”
2. Your Website – Just about every page and every major message on your website should contain a CTA. After reading your masterpiece of website text, what would you like the visitor to do? Schedule a call? Then tell them that, “Get your road map to financial peace of mind started today. Click this link to schedule a call.”
On your website, as well as your emails, don’t bury your CTAs. Either use a graphic button or provide a clear link that stands out from all the other text.
And you usually want to provide more than one link. You can put your CTA at the right spot in your email message and then place another one after you sign off the email. Make your CTAs clear and have them standout.
3. Social Media – Are you slowly but surely posting more content on social media channels? If so, what CTAs are you using? Every time you post some content designed to educate the reader, ask yourself, “What do I want them to do as the result of reading this post?” That’s probably your call to action.
4. Meetings with Prospects – When you’re concluding a meeting with a prospect – someone you feel strongly you can help – do you tell them that and do you recommend a next step? This is probably one of the most important calls to action you can initiate, yet so many people miss this opportunity.
When you meet with a prospect for whom you think you can address their concerns and/or maximize their opportunities – tell them so. Tell them why you believe you’re a good match for them. Be as specific as you can. Then end with a CTA such as, “Shall we get started?”
Learn More is not a very strong CTA. If it’s all you can think of, add a benefit to the CTA. “CLICK HERE to learn more about how a financial road map will bring you the confidence and peace of mind you desire.” “To Learn More and to Get Your Personalized Road Map Started – CLICK HERE.”
What CTAs are you using? What do you like to “ask” or “tell” people do as you communicate with them? I want to hear from you! Really! Let’s start a conversation and “share the wealth” of ideas. Please leave a comment or question below.
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