How to Ask for Referrals in a Way Your Clients Will Love

You have to hear this quick, fun story about how a financial rep generated the most referral activity he ever had in a 45-day period AND had a ton of fun doing it.
More importantly, his clients had fun with the entire process and he’s still getting residual referrals and introductions without even asking.
Adding Fun to Your Referral Marketing Process
Rob has a very full beard. One of those longer beards that many of the younger guys are sporting these days. Rob is proud of his beard. His beard may be physically attached to his face, but he is emotionally attached to his beard.
Rob knew the importance of referrals and introductions, but like many people, he just didn’t engage in the process as often and as confidently as he knew he should.
So he set a goal with some of his colleagues. And if he didn’t make his goal? Off would come the beard. Rob put his beard on the line – or should I say the chopping block – by allowing the shaving of his beard to be his “accountability” if he didn’t reach his 45-day referral activity goal.
Rob’s Next Move Was Brilliant
Rob decided to let all of his centers of influence and clients know about this initiative. They started calling it “Save the Beard.”
But Rob didn’t make this all about himself and his desire to grow his business. Every time he talked about this challenge with his COIs, clients – and eventually even his new prospects – he began by talking about how he believes in the value he brings to his clients and that everybody deserves to make an educated decision around their financial life.
Much to Rob’s surprise, this took on a life of its own. Not only did people keep sending referrals and making introductions, they kept checking in with him to see how he was doing. They were genuinely rooting for his success and spreading his great value to others at the same time.
Accountability Meets Fun
I think Rob tapped into a powerful combination of allowing himself to be held accountable to activity he knows is essential to his success and adding a large dose of genuine fun to his referral process.
Accountability is often needed to help us take action in areas where we feel awkward or less confident. And adding fun to the referral process puts everyone at ease – no tension and no pressure.
Now… one could say that Rob should keep this pace of activity going all the time. That would be nice. But sometimes we need to get into what I like to call “contest mode” to kick our activity into a higher gear.
I think it’s fair to say that Rob has established some new perspectives and new behaviors that are fast on their way to becoming new habits.
Would you like more ideas about adding FUN to your referral process? Check out this 2-minute video:
Upcoming Webinar on October 6, 2016!
MARKETING TO WOMEN: Insider Secrets to Attract & Retain Affluent Women & Couples
So You Can Get Your Share of this $20 Trillion Market
By Annette Bau, CFP
Learn what you must do to attract and retain affluent women and couples so you can keep them for life, and generate a steady stream of referrals in this valuable niche market. If you want to learn how to take advantage of this market while retaining your existing clients, this is a must attend webinar.
To access the marketing to women training, REGISTER HERE!
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