What Needs to Change? High-Value Questions…

High-Value Questions to Ask Your Prospects
Okay. Okay. How many times have you heard that you need to ask your prospects and clients good questions? And I suspect you do that. Perhaps you have read some of my previous posts about asking High-Value Questions. A High-Value Question is a question that brings value to the process. The best High-Value Question is one that brings value to both the prospect/client and you at the same time. Here are a few High-Value Questions I’d like you to consider…
- How long has it been an issue/problem?
When you discuss how long this issue or problem has been in place, your prospect/client becomes more inclined to take action to fix it. Another way to say this is “How long have your been thinking about this?”
- How is it impacting your organization/ customers/ staff/ family/ you?
I’ve spoken about this in the past. Whenever you determine a prospect or client is having a problem, ask probing questions to determine the impact of the problem. The impact is usually two fold – on their organization or family – AND on themselves.
- How much longer can you afford to have the problem go unresolved?
This is a good follow-up question to #1 or #2 above. “Afford’ doesn’t only apply to dollars. It can also apply to frustration, wasted time, stress, or even status.
- What, in your assessment, needs to change?
Sometimes your prospects know exactly what they need to do. Sometimes they have no clue. And sometimes you may know about obstacles and issues of which they’re not even aware. That’s really where you bring value – teaching them about obstacles and/or problems they haven’t anticipated.
- Are you open to some ideas I have to fixing this issue?
Ultimately, you want them to let you into their world to fix the problem. You may decide that using the word “issue” is better than “problem.” Some people don’t like to admit they caused or contributed to a problem. Of course, if they say, “This has been a real problem.” Then feel free to mirror their words.
Personally – I’ve found that the questions we ask can work to: demonstrate our value, teach our prospects, and help us know if and how we might help them.
What is working for you with these sorts of questions? Tell me! I’d love to hear from you. Send an email directly to me at BillCates@ReferralCoach.com