Fatigue Makes Cowards of Us All

Famous football coach Vince Lombardi once said, “Fatigue Makes Cowards of Us All.” Man is THAT the truth.
I would add… that when you’re tired, you’re more susceptible to negative thinking.
There was a time when I’d be traveling home from a speech, late in the evening, on a crowded airplane – made worse if my upgrade didn’t go through – tired from a long day –entertaining negative thoughts. Stewing in negativity.
After reading this quote from Lombardi, my perspective totally changed.
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Now, when negative thoughts creep in, I just remind myself that I’m tired and move on to some other thoughts as quickly as I can.
I’ve also observed about myself that when I’m tired – I wimp out. I don’t feel like talking to prospects or clients.
So… how do you relate to this concept? Can you see how it might play out for you in different ways? Where do you entertain negative thoughts or WIMP OUT just because you’re tired?
Yes… we should always try to get a good night’s sleep and manage our energy so we don’t get too tired, but that’s just not always possible.
I recommend two action steps to you:
FIRST – When you notice yourself getting into a negative thought pattern – do a quick assessment. Are you tired? If so, move on to other thoughts. And it you’re avoiding an important task, then suck it up and get it done.
SECOND – Don’t make any important decisions when you’re tired. You might be making that decision out of fear rather than courage.
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IDEAS are important, but only ACTION will make you more successful.