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Create Engaged Introductions

by Bill Cates

In a previous blog titled Introductions 2.0, I discussed how an introduction will become more effective when the referral source tells the prospect why they are introducing you.

I highly recommend you read that short blog in conjunction with this one. They go hand in hand and will help you secure introductions that work, that grab the attention of the prospect and prompt them to engage with you.

In this piece, I’ll cover another aspect to the introduction process that you may not be doing as well as you could be.

Treat the Introduction with Importance

The “I” in our V.I.P.S. Method™ stands for Importance. First, the work you do is important, so your request to be introduced to others deserves to be treated with importance.

Second, if you treat the request with importance, your client is more likely to respond in kind.

The same is true for securing an effective introduction.

Have a Process That “Works the Best”

I recommend that you have a process that you believe works the best – and then see if it fits the specific situation.

In fact, I think you can say to your referral source, “Here’s what I’ve found works the best.” Then go on to explain your process. You want a process that fits into the flow of how these folks already communicate. If they email each other, then use email. If they text, then you may need to start with that.

Here’s a link to an article and video on creating email introductions:

While in-person introductions are usually the best – over a meal, round of golf, or one of your client-appreciation events, you don’t want to let the logistics of making that happen get in the way of a timely introduction.

Safe & Effective

Before the pandemic, almost no one knew the two main criteria the Food & Drug Administration used to approve a drug for the market. Now everyone knows.  Safe and Effective!

This is the same dynamic you want to create for your introductions.

You want your method of introduction to feel safe – comfortable – for all concerned.

Plus, you’d like to pique the interest of the prospect – so he/she with be open to the next step with you. The more you learn about the prospect, the more likely you will be able to create such an approach.

An Engaged Introduction is a collaborative introduction. You and your source work together to create a safe and effective connection.

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