10½ Resolutions to Make 2018 Your Best Year Yet

Here are 10½ New Year’s Resolutions you can make (and keep!) for acquiring more ideal clients in 2018:
Repeat after me…
#1. I resolve to… create and deliver a discovery process with prospects that leads with value, so that I win the business and my initial process alone generates some introductions.
#2. I resolve to… employ an onboarding process that welcomes my new clients down the metaphorical red carpet – so they go “Wow, much more than I expected.”
#3. I resolve to… go from delivering great client service to creating great client experiences; to continue providing education and value, and growing “business friendships” whenever possible.
#4. I resolve to… share my client-centric WHY with prospects early in our relationship; to let them know why I believe in my value.
#5. I resolve to… replace the word “referrals” with the word “introductions” – sending the message that getting connected is what works the best for all concerned.
#6. I resolve to… teach my clients how I would “receive” any introduction they would be inclined to make. I will assure them that I’ll keep everything confidential, and make the introduction, and my follow up, comfortable for everyone.
#7. I resolve to… ask for specific introductions to specific people (be as narrow as possible); I will help my clients picture specific people in their minds’ eye.
#8. I resolve to… not settle for weak introductions.
#9. I resolve to… learn something about my prospects (from my referral source, Linkedin, etc.), before I launch into a full-blown explanation of what I do.
#10. I resolve to… develop a more compelling way to talk about my value to prospects, and continuing to determine if we have a mutual fit.
#10 1/2. I resolve to… truly embrace the strategies listed above, and to revisit this list from time to time to take stock of my success and keep the progress going.
I’ll leave you with a quote I just heard that can set the tone for 2018 and beyond.
“I’ve learned to talk to myself rather than listen to myself. When I listen to myself, all I hear is fear, doubt, lies and failure. But when I talk to myself, I can tell myself anything I want to. I can feed myself good thoughts of hope, confidence, truth and victory. When I learned to talk to myself rather than listen to myself, I realized that there was nothing I couldn’t do.”
– James Gills, 6-Time Double Ironman Triathlete