Are You Tapping into the ‘Affluent Women” Market?

Guest Article from Annette Bau, CFP
(Referral Minute subscribers get free admission to her next webinar – details follow this article.)
I have conservatively completed over 8,000 case studies of advisors who have successfully acquired new affluent clients as well as producers who have lost major accounts.
With all that knowledge, there has been one question I have not been able to answer. “Why are some advisors sky rocketing into top producer territory and top producers are plunging due to the loss of clients (generally, but not always, at the death of the first spouse)?
This summer that all changed when Michelle D increased her yearly revenue by 775% working with women. It became my passion to determine how, on one hand, an advisor who wasn’t even on the radar can achieve this result and on the other, why I continue to get emails such as these from other advisors, “We just lost a 25 million account. We are not sure why because everything was fine.” Or “My client of 20+ years just moved her money to another advisor because she wanted an advisor that she felt was her advisor.”
Technical Genius or Emotional Genius?
The key to acquiring and losing clients lies in a mix of TG (technical genius) and EG (emotional genius). Technical genius pertains to competence in financial planning, money management, insurance etc. Most advisors are wired for this side of the mix. Emotional genius lies in connection, talking your client’s language and finding your clients triggers.
When TG & EG are combined, they create the perfect formula and result in acquisitions of new clients, as well as clients that work with them for life. Some advisors have learned how to create just the right mix of TG and EG. They rarely lose clients and find it easy to attract clients who fit their ideal-client profile. Unfortunately, many advisors – even top producers – are out of balance in these categories and are at a much higher risk of having clients leave.
The affluent women’s market is a goldmine of opportunity for those who learn how to approach and serve women with the right mix of technical and emotional expertise
Here’s How to Learn More
Thanks Annette! If you would like to learn more about this exciting topic, Annette has offered to waive the admission to her November 10th webinar: Insider Secrets to Attract & Retain Affluent Women and Couples How to Get Your Share of This $20 Trillion Market.
Use the Coupon Code: RC to knock down the registration amount to ZERO $.
To register, go to:
What is working for you when it comes to meeting and service affluent women? Tell me! I’d love to hear from you. Send an email directly to me at