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Are You a Radically Relevant Advisor?

by Bill Cates

One might argue that if your business doesn’t remain on the cutting edge of relevance, it’s doomed to extinction (or at least lackluster performance over time).

Taken directly from my book Radical Relevance, and the subject of my October 24 Webinar ➡️ here are 12 of the 17 Rules of Radical Relevance.

Don’t follow them at your own risk.

The shortest route to relevance is through an introduction from a trusted source.

Leverage the effectiveness of borrowed trust. Meet people the way they’d prefer to meet you.

Give your clients a seat at the table.

Never develop marketing messages or client-service plans without speaking to some of your clients. This is how you guarantee relevance.

Value is in the eye of the beholder.

It’s your job to determine, develop, and communicate your value in a way that will resonate with the prospects who are a perfect fit for your business.

Meet your prospects where they are.

Without knowing the context, you will run the risk of being less relevant or, heaven forbid, irrelevant. Do your research before you meet with people. Learn as much as you can from your referral source.

Differentiation for differentiation’s sake is worthless.

The goal of creating differentiation is to create both perceived and real value to your prospects and clients. Being cute might catch the eye but being clear and compelling will win you more new clients.

Think solutions and benefits before promotion.

Before you promote your solutions, first focus on the transformation your offer creates for your clients. Spend 70 percent discussing the transformation and 30 percent on how you’ll make that happen.

Relevance begins with client obsession.

Radical Relevance starts with your obsession for knowing your prospects and clients better than you previously thought necessary, and certainly more than your competition does.

RULE #11
Know your own client-focused “why.”

Why do you believe in your value? What experiences or perspectives drive you every day and how does that impact and benefit your clients?

RULE #12
Know your persona’s “why.”

What motivated them to meet with you? What are the critical problems and/or most coveted opportunities in their life? What motivates them to take action?

RULE #13
Use more client-focused messaging.

Do your best to shift from using words such as weourthey, and their – to more personal messaging by using words such as you and your. Adjust your website and LinkedIn profile.

RULE #15
Your prospects and clients aren’t mind readers.

Never assume a prospect or client can read your mind and take the action you desire. If you want them to do something, ask them to do it. Use a call to action.

RULE #17
Resist the urge to expand your target.

The more you widen your market to become more inclusive with your messaging, the less impactful and effective your messaging will be. Segment your messaging.

If you aren’t Radically Relevant, you’ll be ignored.

(And no one likes to be ignored.)

Becoming and staying relevant is an ongoing process. For more depth on these rules and so much more, attend my October 24 webinar. Register here:

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