Another Way to Have Fun with Referrals & Introductions

The Principle: When you can have fun with referrals and introductions, everything gets easier. You feel more comfortable AND your clients feel more comfortable! More importantly – you produce significant results. Sounds like a win-win, huh?
The Action: I just spoke to a group of 100 Group Benefit Advisors. After my presentation, Eric Silverman told me about a best practice that is working for his firm. This simple idea puts a smile on the face of his clients and generates referrals and introductions.
Eric encourages his agents to carry 20 scratch-off lottery tickets with them to appointments where they intend to bring up introductions. He teaches them to say (with a smile on their face), “For every person you’re willing to introduce me to, I’ll give you a lottery ticket – right on the spot.”
Eric says that the clients love it and almost always open up to at least a couple of introductions. In fact, as each lottery ticket is handed over, momentum seems to increase. “Okay, let me think… I can also introduce you to Laura Smith. She should definitely speak with you.”
He also says that this method helps his agents feel more comfortable in the process. Having this “tool” or “prop” eases their own sense of awkwardness in initiating the conversation.
Your Action Step: Look… do I expect you to run out and purchase a ton of scratch-off lottery tickets to try this idea? Not necessarily. Whatever you do, has to fit your personality and the personality of your client. The principal, however, is relevant to everyone. Try to have fun with referrals and introductions!
Need a Proven Process for More Introductions? Need More Ideas that Work?
Check out our next Referral Champions Training Camp.
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