4 Bases to Cover for More Introductions from Centers of Influence

Getting introductions from Centers of Influence is one of the critical topics we cover in our Spring Referral Champions Training Camp. My definition of a Center of Influence is someone who may never become a client, but introduces you to qualified prospects.
Just as baseball players have reported to Spring Training – financial professionals will be reporting for our spring referral training at our April Training Camp.
Here are the 4 Bases you want to cover as you endeavor to maximize your introductions from Centers of Influence.
First Base
Make sure this COI has both the ability and willingness to send people your way. Do they tend to know and/or meet people who should know about you? And do they see themselves as connectors? Learn more about the clients they serve and/or the circles in which they run. Are they in the habit of making introductions?
Second Base
Make sure you are super referable in their eyes. Can you put them through your initial process? What sort of “courtship” will be involved to help them trust you and believe in the benefits you provide?
Third Base
Make sure they only introduce you to qualified prospects. Do they know who to introduce you to? Do they know who you serve the best, who your process is geared toward, and/or who fits your Ideal Client Profile?
Home Plate
Teach them how you prefer to get introduced to these prospects. Remember – you’re not just going for word of mouth. You want to get connected. At the very least, they should tell the prospect to take your call and that it would be worth their time.
Would You Like a Proven Process to Get More Introductions to Qualified Prospects?
I highly recommend you attend our next Referral Champions Training Camp to get new ideas, boost your confidence, get more clients, and have the best year of your career! www.ReferralChampionsTrainingCamp.com