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Month: September 2016

Are you wondering what a guy taking an axe to his beard has to do with growing your business with referrals and introductions?

You have to hear this quick, fun story about how a financial rep generated the most referral activity he ever had in a 45-day period AND had a ton of fun doing it.

More importantly, his clients had fun with the entire process and he’s still getting residual referrals and introductions without even asking.


Have you ever been part of a networking group where all the referrals seem to go to the gift basket lady, the printer, and the handyman who get all the referrals?

No surprise there. It’s a much easier referral to give.

In one week, I had 3 conversations with 3 financial professionals who were members of a formal networking group, but not having great results getting referrals.

What’s that all about? After all, every member is supposed to provide referrals to the other members.


The easier you can make it for people to introduce others to you, the more likely they’ll do it. Here is an easy 3-step digital strategy that you can set up to help make it very easy for your clients, centers of influence, and other advocates to provide you with quality introductions.


I was having lunch with a financial professional last Friday and discovered that he has a “hole in his WHY.”

Meaning… he didn’t talk about his WHY is as powerful and effective way as possible. Therefore, he was missing opportunities to create strong engagement with prospects and clients.

I asked him to tell me what he told his prospects and clients about WHY he did what he did… WHY he believed in his work.


I want you to think back to your high school or university psychology class. Do you remember learning about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?   I always remember that the first level is physiological like: breathing, food,…


Referral Coach