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The Language of Referrals


Success with referrals and personal introductions is all about mastering what you say – and how you say it – in a manner that inspires action, while remaining completely natural and authentic to your personal communication style.

Based on Bill Cates’ newest book – The Language of Referrals, this unique “study group” combines book and video study with live group coaching to help financial advisors become fluent in the words and phrases that will help them:

  • Become super-referable to boost unsolicited referrals,
  • Confidently promote & ask for introductions, and
  • Turn a client’s willingness to refer into a solid connection.

3 Group Coaching Sessions Based on Bill Cates’ newest book, The Language of Referrals


  • PART 1 | Develop the Right Inner Script:  Identify and Remove Limiting Beliefs and Mistaken Assumptions 

    It’s time to eliminate counterproductive self-talk and perspectives, replacing them with more expansive thinking. Become fluent in the inner language that drives you to confidently bring your value to those who need your guidance.

  • PART 2 | Become Super Referable: Maximize Client Engagement to Get More Unsolicited Referrals & Introductions 

    You want to ensure you are as referable as possible. Becoming super referable requires creating more engaged clients – clients who feel good about your value, and who like and trust you. Learn the language of becoming super referable in the eyes of your prospects, clients, and centers of influence.


  • PART 3 | Promote Introductions: Plant Seeds and Trigger Spontaneous Referrals without Asking 

    You can encourage the idea of possible introductions quickly in a new relationship, while you build a productive culture of personal introductions over time. Learn the language of promoting introductions in a way that cultivates spontaneous opportunities.

  • PART 4 | Ask for Introductions: Be Proactive without Pushing, Begging, or Feeling Creepy 

    You can ask for introductions without looking like “That Creepy Referral Guy.” It’s all about learning a proven process, and gaining the confidence to consistently use it to produce results. Learn the language of asking for introductions in a manner that’s natural, conversational, authentic, and effective. 


  • PART 5 | Navigate Concerns & Objections: Explore, Understand, and Reframe 

    Using Bill’s process, you won’t encounter much reluctance or resistance. However, knowing how to converse with your clients who are reluctant to make introductions – in a non-aggressive and professional manner – will boost your confidence and results. Learn the language of exploring, understanding, and reframing referral reluctance. 

  • PART 6 | Secure an Effective Introduction: Get Connected with Compelling Relevance 

    Many financial professionals get stuck here and see their results fall short. Your process is not complete until you get connected to your new prospect. Learn the language of introductions to turn a willingness to refer into solid connections with prospects waiting to hear from you.

Give your advisors, reps, agents the tools they need to multiply their best clients through referrals and personal introductions! Click below to learn more.
Learn More About How the Program Works

“A watershed moment in my career was when I picked up a copy of Bill’s book.  The way Bill tells a story behind his advice galvanizes the concepts and opens a window on how to immediate implement them into an action plan.  My AUC and Revenue has nearly doubled in 3 years.”

Dan Brothers, CFP® (Greater Boston Area)


  • Your advisors will each receive a copy of The Language of Referrals (paperback or e-book).
  • The program includes three (3) 45-60 minute coaching calls, which will be pre-scheduled at mutually convenient times, approximately 1-2 weeks apart.
  • As the program gets started, all participants will receive a short program kickoff video explaining the program, what they will be learning, and what results they can expect by applying the strategies and methods.
  • Prior to each session, your advisors will be expected to read and/or listen to the assigned section of the book, watch the video, and come prepared to discuss, engage, and start producing tangible results. Advisors should expect to invest approximately 90-120 minutes of time into their pre-session assignments.

Only $2,995 for up to 30 participants (as little as $99 per person!)

One (1) full year of RapidFire Referrals™ (VALUE: $297 per person)

To make sure that your team retains and implements what they learn during the coaching program, we will give each rep a free 1-year membership in RapidFire Referrals, our popular reinforcement program.  Every week for a year, they’ll receive a brief, habit-forming video lesson send via email (or optional text). To learn more about RapidFire Referrals, click here.

Interested in learning more? Ready to get started?
Click below to schedule a call with Bill to see if this program is the perfect fit for you and your team.
Schedule a Call with Bill

“In my 15 years of being an Advisor I have listened to thousands of seminars, podcasts, and books around prospecting and Bill’s approach/philosophy is the best I have ever heard. I’m a huge fan and can’t thank you enough for the impact you have had on me.”

Jonathan Rawlik, CFP®, RICP® (Troy, MI)

P.S. Don’t Keep The Language of Referrals a Secret!
Share the book with your friends and colleagues!

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Start a Conversation with Bill by filling out the form below or sending Bill an email (

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Bill understands the psychology of getting referrals better than anyone. He gives advisors the tools and confidence to embrace the most important and effective way of growing their businesses. We’ve been using Bill’s training program for years. We’ll be getting copies of his newest book for all our advisors.”

Ed Deutschlander, CEO – North Star Resource Group

Referral Coach