Check Out Bill Cates’ NEW Top Advisor Podcast™
Interviews with Top Advisors for Top Advisors!

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“The Wholesaler’s Double Threat”

Proven Strategies for Wholesalers to Get Introduced to Top-Producing Advisors
(and Bring Great Value to Those Advisors at the Same Time!)

for Wholesalers & Their Leaders

Monday, Sept. 23, 2024 @ 2:00pm Eastern
(1pm Central, 12pm Mountain, 11am Pacific)

How do your wholesalers unlock doors to high-producing advisors? Through trusted introductions. Without mastering this crucial skill, they’re limiting their growth and output.

This webinar empowers them to:

  • Cultivate deeper relationships with advisors, naturally generating more business and referrals without ever having to ask.
  • Request introductions to elite advisors smoothly and effectively, without seeming pushy or needy.
  • Turn an advisor’s readiness to refer into solid introductions that lead to valuable appointments.
  • Apply these strategies with their own clients, enhancing value and increasing their introductions to more elite advisors.  The advisor-clients naturally provide more referrals. It’s an amazing dynamic!

Why should meeting new clients through referrals be limited to the domain of financial advisors?  Can’t wholesalers apply the same principles and strategies?
(HINT:  Yes!)

+ 2 Exclusive BONUSES!

  1. Every attendee will receive 3 value-add guides. They can use these concise and quick guides themselves and share with their advisors.
  2. Every attendee will have the chance to receive an autographed copy of Bill’s newest book, The Language of Referrals. (Bill will tell you how to get your copy about 20 minutes into the session.)

Invite all your externals and internals to attend.
And make sure YOU attend as well.

“I tell wholesalers to read The Language of Referrals from Bill Cates. Bookmark/highlight the best scripts and tactics and then mail it to advisors with the bookmarks in it, offering to show them more good stuff inside. This will help wholesalers get their foot in the door and build productive relationships based on value.”

Brian Margolis
Founder of

“I had been sharing Bill’s processes with my advisors for many years. Then, I had a ‘blinding flash of the obvious’ and started to use Bill’s methods for myself – to help meet more advisors. I’ve had two straight years of record-setting production.”

Colin James
Annuity Wholesaler


Bill Cates is the author of Get More Referrals Now!, Don’t Keep Me a Secret!, Beyond Referrals, Radical Relevance, and his latest release – The Language of Referrals. Bill is also the host of Top Advisor Podcast (ranked in the top 5% of podcasts globally), where he interviews Top Advisors for Top Advisors.

Bill has revolutionized the way financial professionals acquire more and better clients through communicating more compelling value, referrals, and personal introduction. He is a highly soughtafter international speaker and has coached and trained high-level financial advisors and wholesalers throughout the world. He as spoken on the main platform of the prestigious Million Dollar Round Table in the United States, South Korea, Malaysia, and Australia.

Bill was inducted into the esteemed Professional Speakers Hall of Fame in 2010 (only 185 living members worldwide) was recently honored as a “Legend of Professional Speakers.” Bill’s sessions are motivational, high energy and high content – wrapped in a little bit of fun. You can expect a highly interactive session.  Audience members receive powerful and practical strategies that can have an immediate impact on their business.


Referral Coach